Harry hesitated as he felt like he heard something in the water, he lifted his head up from his knees before he looked out over the water. His ears twitched at the faint sound of laughter before the silence reappeared, the waves splashing quietly. Harry was definitely uncomfortable by the feeling of something watching him, he had felt the feeling back home whenever he was forced out to be one of the hunting party members. The elf moved slowly, something was watching him; either from the water or from the edge behind him. He wasn't going to do anything rash at this point, so he simply pushed himself onto his knees to straighten himself up to look into the waves more. He didn't move quickly in case whatever was watching him would get spooked and attack, but he was showing his size to allow whatever was watching would see he was unarmed. He hesitated on the mere idea of calling out into the waves, or making any sort of sound; but his body wouldn't allow him.