[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] "Er, yes, the Milk Bunny and Elei get their name from the same place..." Tyaethe answered, with a sigh, "Maybe? I don't know if you could bring Thrinax to Candaeln, and I'm not sure if I could bring something to the castle so easily..." Oh, and the experience would be mortifying, there was that. Fortunately, at least for the vampire's remaining pride, her expertise was needed, and she gave the little princess a quick apology and gathered up her dress as much as possible before going over to see what exactly Adeforth and Fionn were talking about. On the plus side, it seemed that Nicomede had successfully bought some time to think and gather any materials needed. "Choking, choking... well, it can't be an active spell; the necromancer's not here," the white-haired girl mused out loud, holding one finger to her lips, "And any sort of enchantment-based trap would have been visible earlier and would [i]definitely[/i] be something we could see now. It must be some sort of curse, then, maybe a spiritual possession or the like. Lucky for Tili, the solution is the same in either case." The paladin looked around, noting that the girl's bedroom was, at least, fervently decorated. They might even have some useful plants here, "We're going to need to do an exorcism. It's more of a religious ceremony than straight magic, so..." A paladin was, after all, a priest. Being a mage of any description on top merely helped in this situation. "We'll need materials, quickly. Lilies, roses, any other holy symbols of the best quality you can get. More water would be good, don't worry about blessing it, I can do that. Candles would also help, and as much salt as you can possibly bring. If anyone finds any flammable oil in the process, that would also work." Or anything else someone thought was helpful. [@Krayzikk][@The Otter][@Psyker Landshark]