[h1][b][i][color=gold][center]Jaclyn Chreyz[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://assets.mycast.io/actor_images/actor-ta-kaiya-blaney-267392_small.jpg?1631024853[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=gold][b]Location[/b][/color]: Mansion [color=gold][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A[/center] [hr][hr] Adorned in a dull-gold shirt with sleeves that got wider closer to the wrists, jeans with a beaded cirrus cloud on one back pocket and a cumulus on the other, black loafers, and for accessory, earrings of short yet varying lengths of blue, white and cyan beads bringing rain to mind -and of course her messenger bag slung around herself- Jaclyn stepped out of a dorm. Literally a little lighter than when she had come in today to visit her younger sister, Imogene, as part of the visit included returning one of the rocks from Imogene's growing collection to her. Her little sister had taken to collecting rocks that reminded her of the X-Men (both OG and current), ever since the first one she saw which was the one Jaclyn had been holding onto - her Cyclops rock. It was a pretty basic rock except for a fissure perfectly down the middle which gave an appearance remarkably like the OG leader's visor. It was Imogene's first though anyone [i]else[/i] who knew of her collection [i]now[/i] wouldn't know that - she had her reasons for entrusting the rock to her big sister. Until now that is, after she had finally happened upon a Beast rock and needed the Cyclops to complete the OG team - it would've stood out to [i]not[/i] have it there! Anyway, Jaclyn understood the whole situation. There was more to their visit than just rock return -Imogene wasn't the type to ask Jaclyn if she could come just for that kind of thing- but with her sister needing to get on something for school, the visit wasn't too long and Jaclyn's time was now back to being her own. She walked away from her sister's room heading further down the dorm hallways, when she paused to check something in her bag - she had taken a picture of Imogene's newly completed OG collection and thought she had left her camera, but there it was. Now where would Jaclyn go? Aware some of the group had gone to the mall, she was just considering heading off to join them when she heard somebody asking where in the Mansion [i]they[/i] were. Jaclyn turned, but as it happened the voice was directed at somebody else. She knew Bethany more or less in passing, but -obviously- the new-to-the-mansion young man was new to her. Jaclyn was further down the hallway than them, not close enough to be auto-in the conversation, just observing it. A welcoming smile appeared on her face as she was now facing the young man's way; if he shifted his gaze he'd see her. However something Bethany said in her answer shifted Jaclyn's attention, and her head turned in the direction she'd have to travel to head out to the garden. There was "something about Mary", lately. Jaclyn could tell. She didn't know her in any way well enough to pry, but wondered if she needed a neutral ear....Then again, any time Jaclyn had seen Mary out in the gardens, well..Jaclyn understand the kind of solace nature could provide. Jaclyn now looked down at the floor in thought, rather, in decision: Head to the mall? Join the welcoming committee? Join Mary in the gardens? She [i]could[/i] always just hang out, quietly, taking the flowers in herself. Be a parallel presence, see if Mary decided to speak to her. It was a tactic she used on some of the youths at the Outreach Centre if they seemed reticent but needing; just be around, with an open disposition, and let them make the choice. Jaclyn was still making hers.