Shiratori briefly seemed to pause a moment when referred to in such a familiar fashion, but she quickly recovered, giving Nozaki a smile of her own. "What a coincidence! I'm heading the same way, we can walk together." Certainly, this reaction would just appear to be a friendly attempt to get to know a fellow student, as Shiratori Naoko approached the boy. But the timing would certainly feel a little strange, perhaps, if one were to pause and think about it. For someone to approach right out of the blue after something so unusual occurred. While Shiratori was silent for a few moments, when she next spoke, perhaps it would make the truth obvious. Or perhaps it wouldn't. "So, um..." she trailed off for a moment, "Have you noticed anything strange going on, lately? I know everyone is talking about that Strange Gospel thing, but that can't be true, right? It's not as if that kind of thing can really happen, right?" Even as she spoke, she paused for a moment, idly glancing around. It was likely it would appear as a perfectly normal behavior, something any ordinary person might do on a walk. But Shiratori was checking to make sure no-one was in earshot before she spoke again. [@Bartimaeus]