[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gmqgcWm.png[/img][color=949D8A][h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwTBiGtBZVI]It's not about the destination, nor the journey. It's about the return.[/url][/h3][/color] [/center] [indent]Monday, July 5, 2027. Summer struck Japan with the weight of a hammer: not with heat, but with storm. Rumbling clouds burst with sheets of rain, drowning the coast of the Kochi prefecture. Late summer blooms bent beneath the weight of water, sewer drains flooded and overflowed. Coastal winds whipped against windows and umbrellas, and even seagulls took shelter beneath eaves. It was a day that begged for truancy. But the bus still arrived at the stop you’ve always waited at, and so, you entered. It was July 5 and the bus was as crowded as it could be in a town so small as this, filled with scattered cliques of faces you recognized. All a part of Saga Junior High School. In a week, final exams for the third-year students would begin. A week after that, the only reason for caring about grades at all in junior high would manifest. From a graduating class of 50 students, 12 of them would be selected to homestay abroad to New Zealand. In a town like Kuroshio, this would be your only way to get [i]out[/i]. To see the world beyond the setting sun, and then, perhaps from there, to use it as part of your applications to study at a high school that [i]wasn’t[/i] in the middle of nowhere. Tokyo called for your soul. Bustling metropolises with enough people to intoxicate on atmosphere alone. International schools with international repute, enough to catapult you to the world further beyond! That's the only reason why you, and so many others, were crammed together in this old-ass bus, after all. There were teachers to get into the good graces of. Materials to study. Quizzes to do. Effort to be shown! Indeed, in the week before exams, every second mattered. So you flipped through your damp notes. Plugged in your earbuds. Checked docs on your smartphone. Traded trivia with friends and rivals alike. Leaned against a window to catch a quick nap. The bus's engine rumbled on, through winding mountain paths, and you swayed to- ... .. . The headache hit you like a hammer, but the heat hit harder. It was the heat of mid-August, a dry heat that you had never experienced on the coasts of your hometown. You try to pick yourself up, only to find that your body was entangled with another's. No, looking around you now, you see that everyone had toppled over, one way or the other. The front of the bus had smashed against the trunk of a tree, window turned opaque by the myriad of fractures. It was an accident. But it was more than an accident. Because beyond the bus, the wilderness you witnessed was not what you could ever recognize as the prefecture you had spent your entire life in. Because within your mind, in an instance of clarity, you understood exactly what had happened. This was another world. This was a [i]Dungeon[/i]. [/indent] [hr] Eyo, so this thing is basically just to help me get my fix for a particular sorta isekai thingy, which is fundamentally portal isekai based off of Solo Leveling and the like. Except, considering the situation, this may be a touch more similar to the Drifting Classroom. I'm looking for a group of people who can post weekly, and who understand that this is going to be a RP that I'm pretty sure will end within a year if the weekly post pace is maintained. The situation will develop somewhat rapidly, because I really just want an ending kek. Some extra tidbits that are awkward to place: [indent]Your character is a third-year junior high student from Kuroshio Ogata Junior High School, in the Shikoku prefecture of Japan. Ideally, they should have [i]something[/i] that makes them exceptional as an individual, but this doesn't necessarily have to be anything that makes them super useful in an isekai survival situation. They could just be really good at yo yo tricks. Earth is plagued as a whole with Portals that pop up in reality, and the monsters that spill out as a result. Usually, specialized military forces are sent inside the Portals to clear the Dungeons and ultimately close the Portals...but as junior high students, most of what you'd really know about it is from all the media that pops up surrounding these real-life anime shenanigans. You can think of the isekai genre as something that now [i]also[/i] gets 'based on a real life story' movies. There will be no fantasy civilization that they come across in this Dungeon. Though there is a form of 'magic', there won't be any cheat abilities popping up. Outside of the bus driver, no one else has [i]died[/i], so you'll have a hefty group of fellow students to help with survival tasks n all. Or to sacrifice to monsters as bait. Depends on how you want your character be psychologically at the end of this.[/indent] So ye. I like questions so feel free to hit me up with that, alongside any immediate character concepts that come to mind. Depending on the question, I'll have to keep the silence though. Some stuff is just there for people to find out.