Despite the quickly darkening skies above, Amaia felt no sense of fear as she dawdled beside the small stream, a place of both comfort and amusement for her on days like these. She had been sent out by Marius, the owner of the inn in which she currently resided, to fetch some things; along with what little she could scrounge up in terms of coin, she earned her keep by performing odd jobs and tasks like these for both Marius as well as some others who worked in the tavern directly below the inn. What with being a rather small maiden and also a fairly young one, at the ripe age of 19, as well as an orphan with no birthright, there were not too many people who were willing to provide her with gainful employment in these parts. Although she knew she should finish collecting the items she needed with haste, in particular due to the apparently fast-approaching storm, Amaia couldn't help herself but to linger - not only did she take solace in being out on her own in nature, but she actually found the rain and so-called "gloomy" weather to be quite serene. Sighing to herself, she lifted the pail of water and began to turn tail, heading back toward the small village of Dor-Vah that she presently referred to as her home. As she entered through the walls of the town and began to travel down the main road to the inn, Amaia noticed a young man whom she had seen a mere few times in the past several months that she had been staying there, calling out to warn the others of the nearing storm. Taking a moment to observe him as their paths neared one another's, she quickly glanced away, for fear of being caught looking too long.