[@Rune_Alchemist] I'm actually at work myself, so I'll keep it to the basics of the idea: The Demon is one of the Blood Clan, as it's the most applicable to what she is, a Butterfly Demon, and works best with how she came to work as a Maid. Hydrargyrum, or Mercury, as she'd be known by in a modern tongue, is a weak demon - a Whelp, almost Demon Beast. Her strength isn't in anything that a demon would be expected for: she uses her demonic control of the elements to bend the blood of corpses or herself into Blutterflies (Blut, German for Blood + Butterfly) and uses them for distractions - largely to run away. Her purpose is to bake sweets, as butterflies are addicted to sugar, and will sip blood for it's sugar content. Hydrargyrum seeks to bring ruin to the world by baking cake, candy, and cookies with her blood inside (because it's sweeter than sugar), but she's, like, fighting a demon on Game Journalist difficulty. However, before she was sealed, she pleaded her case: become a Maid, so she can kill other Demons and keep baking her sweets. [hider=Her plead]"[i]Hydrargyrum is just a meager Butterfly Demon. Hydrargyrum weak! Weak, she is! But, weak is not useless! Hydrargyrum can be useful to the Master! She cooks sweets! Yummy! Nummy! Swummy! And, Hydrargyrum can make Blutterflies! Sure, they can't cut... or hurt... or be anything but annoying, but that's useful! Make deal! Not seal! Demons like deals! Demons hate seals! Hydrargyrum make deal! Let Hydrargyrum live, and she will make the Master sweets and clean and even be the Master's pet! Good deal!? Yeah!? Yeah!?![/i]"[/hider] Should that not jive well, I am fine with an Emtomancer variant of her. Like I said, the Demon aspect is cooler than her being Human, but not a deal-breaker.