Zara smirked at the nicknames he kept giving her. Couldn't he just settle on one? Did he have to flatter her so much? She shook her head as she tried to dispel the feelings the nicknames were giving her. Cutie-pie, emerald eyes. All of them about her appearance. Well, she was determined to show him she was more than just a pretty face. It was true the gun thing had been a fiasco, but she knew more than just some protected princess. This task had just as much to do with cunning and intellect than pointing a weapon and hoping it hit the mark. Walking up to the generator, she crouched down and looked at the base of the generator. "Mole rats have definitely been in here. There's teeth marks on the wires, scratches along the metal. See, they're trying to get into here though I never understood why. What's the fascination with getting inside something like this? Why chew wires? I'm no mole rat, but wiring just doesn't seem appealing to me. As food or bedding." She spoke more to herself then to Isaac. Staying low, she moved around the room as her eyes scanned the floor. "Droppings, everywhere. Though it seems to be coming from this far wall." She scurried over there herself, placing her hands along the wall. Running her fingers along the wall towards the bottom, she frowned at the loose soil. "Do you guys ever build these things on hard surfaces? Or just toss the walls up on the dirt? They're coming in under the wall. See. Scraps of fur where it's been rubbing the bottom of the wall. There's claw marks from them digging under it. They are coming in this way, we'll need to go outside to this wall to see what direction they are heading." She spoke to Isaac now, pushing up to her feet properly.