@everyone (most of this is just a back and forth between Ruka and Salvador, mostly implied to be at a whisper. Whether you can hear their commentary or not, is completely up to you, if you’d like to interact back, feel free, but it’s all optional dialogue as far as I’m concerned. This whole post is intended as light-hearted filler to showcase the personalities of the two in an honest way. Let me know if I forgot anyone and I’ll probably add a snippet about them. Bear in mind, due to the length and nature of this post, I didn’t try to keep everything in a timely order. I bounce from person to person, depending one who I feel like jumping to next. The order really isn’t important.) The bartender seemed much too busy to make food, for the time being. Though Salvador assumed his request had been heard, he and his daughter weren’t so hungry that they could do nothing else. Sal pointed to a table. “Let’s take a seat with our drinks. I’m sure someone will bring our food when they are able.” Both with their juice boxes walked through, careful not to bump into anyone. Ruka, the little ballerina that she was, twirled and danced her way over to the table, excitedly. Salvador was a bit more lumbering, lagging behind. But still always within reaching distance, should anyone make any sudden moves. Salvador was always one to be cautious, protective, and quick to act. “Dad, can we watch all the people?” Ruka whispered to her father as he sat down beside her. Her father nodded quietly. As is their past-time, Ruka points them out, and they both have a bit of a back and forth to fit how they see the person through their own eyes. “Ooooh, look at them.” She whispered and pointed over to the apparent Shadow Royal Guardsman (that they did not recognize or know any reference to, nor did they know what his lightsaber was or how it worked). “What a shiny stick”, she said. “And a fancy smooth looking helmet.” Ruka admires the shiny things. “Pretty neat, aren’t they?” Salvador says as he stands her on his shoulders. Height giving her greater sight over the place. Ruka smiles. She then noticed a charismatic musician playing music with some food around, and Ruka’s jaw just about dropped to the floor. “Kitty!” She yelled happily. She loved all feline creatures and people equally and did not mean it in a hurtful way. But Salvador still told her not to be rude. “Sorry dad.” She said and then Ruka put her owl mask back over her face and flapped her arms as if to wave at the falcon companion of the feline woman. She then points to Zlick. “He looks strong. I bet he could beat you up dad. Don’t mess with him.” Salvador flexes his muscles to try to compare. “No, not like that, daddy. Like this.” She says as she flexes her nearly non-existent arm muscles next to her father’s. She stands back up and runs her hands over her short hair. “I wish my hair was as nice as his.” Salvador frowns, the snakes recede until it’s just his bald head. “At least you have hair kid!” He rubs his scalp and sulks briefly, then rustles her hair. Ruka notices a familiar looking person in the tavern, though she can’t figure out where from. She looks at Link and raises her mask again. “He seems kind and helpful.” She says decisively. Then ponders a moment. “Also like a hero from a far away land.” Salvador motions with his hands like he’s playing on a Nintendo controller, to see if he can control Link. The reference goes over Ruka’s head as Sal laughs. “We played the one with the masks instead. It was the reason we made yours.” She gasps, but doesn’t quite see the resemblance and shakes her head. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon.” He assures her. Her gaze shifts to the Commissar Raine and at first glance Ruka is afraid. But she sees it senses something of the like that she is just and fair. Ruka stands on the table and salutes the commissar. Salvador straightens his back and follows her lead, with a bit more slack. He elbows Ruka softly. “Psst, yer makin’ me look bad here kiddo.” He let’s slip from the side of his mouth. She shushes him hurriedly. “I bet she could flip you just as easily.” Ruka responds and then goes at ease. They both looked at Krin who sounded ornery, and Ruka did a double take to look back at her dad. “He’s you, but older?” She was confused. Salvador cupped his mouth and spoke. “No, I’m Bane…You wanna know how I got these tubes?” He says pointing to his back jokingly. Ruka was even more confused and if the Link reference went over her head, this one went miles further. “Stop it dad!” She punches him in the arm. “Ow! Okay, okay! I’ll behave.” He flinches and lowers his hands from his mouth. “You know better than to hit people, you know.” He tells her in an almost serious tone. And then pauses to consider something. “Maybe I should make Krin a drink some time soon.” Ruka nods. “An orange juice!” She giggles. They both watched as a reserved woman instantaneously disappeared into seeming nothingness. And left nothing but a Fox mask. Perhaps as a token. While it piqued the interest of Ruka to see another animal mask in the place, she could tell it was not meant for her and simply admired it from afar. Ruka pointed out Alwen next. Salvador raised his finger to his mouth to say they should be quiet and let the scholarly looking man get lost in his books. “I wonder what his book is about.” Ruka whispers, to which Sal just shrugs. “None of our business really.” He calmly responds back. They scanned the room, feeling like they’ve only picked out about half the active crowd and continued. Ruka’s eye caught the glimmer of Anath Homura’s. For what was only a glint out of the corner of her eye that she thought she saw but very well might have been a strange illusion. Still Ruka thought the woman’s eye was a strange but beautiful color that she admired. All in all she enjoyed looking at her outfit and she spoke so aloud. “Red is such a nice color.” She carried on. “Especially on her.” Then Ruka looked at her own clothes, wishing there were more of it in her own ensemble. “I’m sure it would suit you well too.” Her father told her reassuringly. “We’ll get you something nice at the next market we find, okay?” Samael to Ruka seemed like a strange presence. One she couldn’t quite comprehend fully. Sal felt a little less so but still in the presence of something extra dimensional. More so than they all were now in this timeless expanse of a place. All they were both certain of is that they would need more time to understand this being, this god. Without thought or hesitation though, Ruka did not seem to care and just waved at him while putting on a big smile. Salvador assumes she wants to befriend them, but is hesitant to let her get too close. A man twirled in, stripping his coat onto hooks. Salvador was quick to shield Ruka’s eyes, just in case. But when he realized there were more layers underneath, he lowered his guard some. Though the man’s odd shifts in tone surprised Ruka, he seemed like an eccentric and charming man, though in a good sort of way that they both admired. “He seems like a wildcard.” Salvador said to her. “But he’s got style, I’ll give him that.” Ruka nodded happily. Their eyes were drawn to the Tavern owner as he sought help for a young woman as well. “Uh oh, this could get bad.” Salvador tells Ruka, who is visibly worried and wants to ask Alex if she’s alright. She shifts as if to go help, but her father keeps her seated. He wants to jump to action as well, but senses there is no safer hands she could be in at the moment. He tells her “If we’re needed, we will act, but until then, stay here. He tries to take her mind off it, by continuing the game, but the situation seems to escalate here and there. “How about the bar tender?” Salvador sits and reminds her of Dorian. The man making drinks. “He seems…” she trails off staring back at the table. “Very tidy, and strange.” Salvador continues to ask, clearly noticing her rising worry. “Strange in what way?” Ruka gets up from the table and dances over to the table, with a determined look on her face. She twirls up to the frustrated woman. “You’re pretty.” She tells the vampyre woman. Salvador rushes up behind her and gulps, not wanting to upset her more. Even if he does agree that she is quite a striking individual. This might not be the time…” he begins and Ruka stops mid spin. “Wanna dance with me? Whenever I’m excited, or mad, or sad, I dance away my troubles.” Ruka says, and she suspects everyone here is dealing with similar issues. She dances like a ballerina through the room, through the tears streaming from her face. “Anyone can join in.” Ruka announces as she adds more acrobatic flaring motions to her routine. And feels she cannot stop. Her dad, feeling bad that no one else had joined yet, starts doing “the sprinkler” and moves into “the robot” and “the worm”, no matter how silly and awkward he feels. He knows he would feel worse if he weren’t to support his daughter in everything she does.