[@Omega Man] Midori kept doing her best to try and fight the strange monsters. However, they were much stronger than they looked. “[color=00a651]Kuso.[/color]” she said cursing under her breath as she got into another fighting stance. Charging at the group of putties she attempted to kick one of them in the chest. Her target suddenly grabbed her foot and spun her onto the ground. Landing on her rear she could see the one she attacked coming towards her. Where she was positioned, Midori noticed a strange device a few feet away from her. She quickly picked it up and it seemed like second nature to her which was quite strange. This was the first time she had ever seen a device like this. She assumed it was some kind of weapon she could use. At first, she couldn’t figure out how to use it, fumbling with the small device. One of the putties took the opportunity to kick her in the stomach. Slowly standing back up the device transformed her in an emerald fire and light. Now she found herself covered in something like spandex. Her face couldn’t be seen but she looked embarrassed. “Welcome to the superhero club.” Gabriel said as he and Joe caught up with the other two Rangers.