[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rIfU6QM.png[/img][/center] As Daniel drank, Verity watched him. For immediate reactions, delayed reactions, to anything odd with the coconut water. He looked fine at a glance, of course, but she could wait regardless. She could wait for a good while, especially if Sofia really had spotted water as well. A spring, indeed, that Verity somehow missed while she was up on her tree. That was good news too. Someone else could drink from there too, and she could continue to wait in comfort to see what would happen. But the silence was a more curious thing. It came suddenly, the stilling of seagulls and insects. A silence to stoke up a ringing in her ears, a silence that encouraged her to take a step closer to the tree she had climbed up upon, encouraged her to check her surroundings slowly, looking for a sign of something that wasn't just vegetation. And of course, she too was prepared to ghost. After all, Verity had prioritized food and water over weaponry. And though there were many things that she has done and wanted to do, punching an animal to death wasn't one of them.