[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1g8UN9K.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent] With a hearty laugh, thinking his charm had already worked, Siris begins walking towards the man she pointed to as he raises his thumb towards Ninil. [i][b]Siris:[/b][/i] "Consider him dead my lady! I shall return afterwards for my reward." He says with a wink as he turns his eyes on the enemy. However as soon as he does so he notices the sword she was talking about, it seemed sharp and lethal enough to stop Siris in his tracks for a moment. However it was just a moment as he reminded himself of his prize for victory, seeing his allies charge in he ran in after them. As Lyun takes out an spear user next to the lethal swordwielder, Siris prepares himself to fell the dangerous enemy in one blow before... an arrow flies right into the enemy's skull and he falls forward. Slowly turning his face he sees Zarif on his horse, looking mighty proud of himself for his aim. Siris gives him a deadpan look, trying to think of any justification for hitting a friendly. Unfortunately, being surrounded by other allies and enemies, the incredibly frustrated warrior had no choice but to accept it. Turning his gaze once again, he noticed a now defenseless archer. With the fury of a thousand single man, he yelled and charged the poor archer who couldn't run away fast enough before having his skull split in two by Siris's blade. [/indent][/indent] [center][sub][i]Siris moves 5 tiles to 19-8 and kills Kassite Hunter #6.[/i][/sub][/center]