[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/4414d6099bc94c9c0204daacdd923ae7.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][@PatientBean][@Master EffeX][@Trainerblue192][@Martian][/center][hr] [@Morose] [color=7ea7d8]"Guina my shoes don't look that bad!"[/color] Pietro protested when Guin commented they could see about finding him some new shoes. [color=7ea7d8]"Besides these ones are only a week old or so, it's not that bad... Also for the motorcycle thing they are too slooooooow for me, besides why would I ride in a car or on a motorcycle when I can just run? That's way more fun anyway. As for where we should go, up to you, I don't have a preference where."[/color] [@Kirah] Ed would find out that he's not entirely alone, at least not for very long, as one of the doors to the kitchen burst in and a [url=https://i2.pickpik.com/photos/555/385/217/blonde-girl-seriously-portrait-preview.jpg]young girl[/url] with yellow fairy wings came zipping into the room, flying around and seemingly flying up to one of the cupboards, opening it up and pulling out what looked to be a jar or cookies or something like that. Her wings fluttering as she hovered in the air, opening the jar and pulling out a cookie before happily munching on it. It took a second for her to even notice that Ed was in the room, but when she did, she pulled another cookie out of the jar and offered it to him, "Want one?" she asked him. [hr][center][h3][color=8493ca][b]Mirembe Adebayo[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.ibb.co/bQLv9VC/Webp-net-resizeimage-5.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=8493ca]Location:[/color][/b] The mall [b][color=8493ca]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] She wasn't entirely sure what to really think or do at this point, though that wasn't super surprising all things considering. The mall was a bit hectic and all, and people were moving about the food court, and she was just sipping on a soda and people watching for the most part. It was actually kind of relaxing and nice, as the group that had gone to the mall had split up, which meant that she for the most part was off by herself in general at the moment. Though she figured that people would eventually wander and find their way to the food court. That was more of an inevitability really. The person she first noticed seemingly enter the area wandering around was one of the newcomers to the mansion. What was her name again? It took her a second, thinking on it as it was a bit of an uncommon name or something like that right? Oh, wait a minute, it was Peregrine or something like that right? Mira was pretty sure that was her name, and she figured that she might as well see what sort of person she was. Considering the last new person to the mansion was someone she very much figured out that she didn't like at all within moments of interacting her. Getting up from her spot, she waved slightly at Peregrine, and walked over to her. [color=8493ca]"Hey there, your name is Peregrine right?"[/color] she asked, not entirely sure if she got the name right. [hr][hr][center][h3][color=yellow][b]Lance Banner[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.ibb.co/0XPXPYj/Webp-net-resizeimage-8.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=yellow]Location:[/color][/b] The mall [b][color=yellow]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] Well wandering around the mall was getting a bit boring, at least in his mind. Others had gone off various places around the area, and he figured at this point Guin was likely dragging Pietro around everywhere. He contemplated seeing about finding out where all the others were, but decided against it for the moment, though he was a little bit hungry at this point, so there was a chance that he might see about stopping by the food court or something later. Though he did poke his head into a few of the different stores as he walked along in general. Mainly, he was keeping an eye out for anything that he figured Runa might like when she visited again or decided to come back to Earth or something. She was busy still in general with everything else going on there, so he figured she might enjoy something or whatever that he found. Course he also was not the best at picking anything out for anyone when it comes to gifts or something. Maybe he should see about asking someone else for ideas or something later? Oh well, it didn't matter too much now, he was still just wandering around figuring out what to do. [hr][hr][center][h3][color=007236][b]Marygold Isley[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.ibb.co/hHx3LWz/Webp-net-resizeimage-4.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=007236]Location:[/color][/b] The mansion (Front Garden) -> Entrance [b][color=007236]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] She was enjoying being by herself, for the moment anyway. Waving her hand, a few of the flowers nearby burst into full bloom, though her attention was drawn away from that for a moment by something else, but she couldn't figure out what it was. Then the voice in the back of her mind said that a portal popped up within the entrance of the mansion. Well that could be any number of things, especially since the last portal they dealt with resulted in alternate reality traveling. Though those portals had all been more or less closed, leaving nothing to potentially pop up. Unless someone had gotten a hold of the reality stone again. That was not something she wanted to think about. Getting up from where she had been sort of sitting, she headed back towards the entrance of the mansion. Mary had no idea who or what had decided to show up at this point, but considering there wasn't any commotion or chaos coming from inside of the building, she assumed it likely wasn't someone wanting to start a fight or anything. That was something at least, there wasn't any immediate threat to the mansion or anything like that. It took a second after she walked through the mansion doors to figure out who it was that had decided to appear through a portal, and it was definitely an interesting situation to be in. [color=007236]"Well you are not someone I expected to easily run into again Max, then again last time I ran into you, was when Wanda decided to warp reality and you helped to change things back. Though we didn't get properly introduced then, after all, we had a few more pressing issues to deal with at that point now didn't we? If I remember correctly your Max right? My name is Marygold Isley. Mind telling me what brings you here to the mansion? I mean we are used to people teleporting in, but most tend to still use the front door if they've never been here before, and choose to teleport outside before walking in. Just saying for future reference."[/color] she ended up saying to him, wondering what he was doing there in general.