Morrison halted at the entrance and glanced left and right before going outside. He stayed close to the wall and waited for the others to join him as he kept his eyes on the area around them. Of course Ethan was a full agent, but he was also young and Morrison would make sure he'd make it out alive. Ethan joined him outside, he too kept his guard up as they waited for the other two to join them. The sound of an owl came from a nearby tree and something flew past them, a bat probably. It was too small to be dangerous. There was another sound and he aimed his gun at a bush, but through the infrared he saw what looked like an imp. Harmless, really. He had seen the creatures on his first assignment with Gaia and he had caged several of them. Mike had smiled when he had told him about it, saying that if the bars hadn't been made of silver or iron, they weren't likely to keep imps in. It had been a wooden cage. At first he had felt annoyed to have been sent on a pointless task, but he had realised it was probably a test to see if he could catch them, not to keep them prisoner. Probably a good thing, he wouldn't want the little created to explode with the rest of the building.