[center][h1][color=slategray][b]Adelaide Varo[/b][/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2022/07/06/16/07/divider-7305474__340.png[/img][/center] So the big guy wanted to test her? Adelaide wasn’t one to back down from a challenge, especially a challenge she knew she’d be hard pressed to fail. She simply smirked at Versle before grabbing one mug and downing it in seconds before doing the same with the other. She slammed the mug down, wiping at her face as she gave him a smug look. It didn’t even seem like she was fazed by the alcohol. [color=slategray]”Confidence, arrogance, what’s the difference really? I know I can back up my words and be assured that I can hold my drink far better than you likely think.”[/color] She said, as she signaled for another drink. She then leaned back in her chair, listening to the others speak and pondering the task ahead of them. [color=slategray]”Might I point out that the queen said ‘reptilian’ in nature, meaning it could be a large variety of things. While countermeasures may be simple, they may not be depending on what it truly is. If it’s some kobold, then perhaps counter measures are simple. But what if it’s a naga or even a basilisk? Even a dragon or drake could be described as ‘reptilian in nature’. I agree with my sister that we should observe the creature before rushing in at all in hopes to determine what it is.”[/color] She said as she turned to listen to the fox man ‘introduce’ himself. The puff of smoke enveloped them and she instinctively held her breath for a moment, before waving the smoke away from her face with a bit of a bored expression. [color=slategray]”How cute, perhaps we should call you Smokey. I’m assuming magic is your game then? Certainly can be useful, especially in dealing with a bruja.”[/color] She then turned to the small man with the large sword and nodded in acknowledgement of him. [color=slategray]”Perhaps you and the big guy over here should have an arm wrestling competition. I’d be very intrigued to see that. Maybe I’ll even reward the winner.”[/color] Next was Rayland and Adelaide couldn’t keep from rolling her eyes a little at his introduction and the mention of the kill shot. [color=slategray]”Good to know you don’t have the skill to readjust a kill shot to avoid friendly fire. I’ll keep that in mind.”[/color] She scoffed before going on to introduce herself. [color=slategray]”The names Adelaide Varo and Alice here is my twin sister. While she likes to keep her distance, I like to get up close and personal in a…surprising manner. I stick to the shadows and my blade always strikes true. I’m much quicker than many expect and quite a bit stronger as well. I also specialize in poisons and my knowledge of monsters is extensive as I have a photographic memory and can recall most everything I’ve ever read.”[/color]