Sean moved as swiftly as Hayden did, clattering into the man he stumbled past, while he took out the girl. His method wasn't as relentless, but quick, and just brutal. He had been taught the basics of hand to hand, and particularly, when armed with a weapon like a machete, how to use it efficiently. There wasn't much aside from a single swing to the neck that did it, as Sean pushed into the man, pulling back and feeling the blood begin to pour and the guy rasp, throwing his ever-lifeless arms into Sean, grasping away and dropping down against the dirty wall. In the interim, Beth had followed onto the next man, and brought her own knife into place, aiming for his neck, yet finding he was a little taller than expected, and she hadn't pulled it off as cleanly. With a slash she caught his side, but he turned, raising his rifle as she brought pressure in on it and pulled downward, using his momentum to bring them both down and time for her to reposition, feeling him throw a punch straight into her that hit like a train. It had been a while she had done this, and he was about to yell, well, not before she stabbed him straight through the top of his thorax on the turn, hand against jaw, pushing hard upwards as he felt him go limp, the heartbeat of arhythmic pumping enough to let her know he was gone. It was a sticky one, quite literally, as she looked across at all four, a little in awe. "Christ." She didn't really have many words to add, as Sean looted his man down, pulling a suitable Bakelite mag off the skinny he had gotten, and checking the round, noticing it was 5.45- spot on for the Russian in the team. "Yekatarina, one more mag for you, heads up." Sean called out, sliding it across the floor so as to avoid noise, as Beth cast the crappy and rust-strewn AKM the man she'd killed aside, standing up and adjusting her hat, slinging her FNC back into hand. "We all good?" Beth asked, looking across at Hayden, a little dismayed by the state of what had happened. He was an animal, and what he had done was nothing short of savage. If she didn't know better, he definitely didn't enjoy this, he just didn't have any control. Sean did seem to be moving on better than everyone here though, and she wasn't sure if that was worse, or better. "Not bad. Let's just get moving." Sean added, spitting out past the dead man and over the two other bodies, getting an eye on the others, aware that while it was never an ideal situation, they had to make the most of it. The alleyways and corridors snaked on, and within time, they were getting closer, close enough that Sean could start recognising where they'd been dragged into. Past the markets, there it was, the fences and walls of the compound Melani was holed up in. Crouching down behind a balcony wall, he looked back across to the Canuck, taking it in. "Alright Hayden, your play here. We'll need to clamber it, looks like there's a few points but it's a risk. So get inside, pop the bitch, get out. Looting might be half an idea, but I don't want to stay in that shitshow any longer than needed." Sean said, looking down on the setup down below- the edge of the market and the beginning of the compound. Once they were in, they were in for a fight- and against what, they'd just have to fight through. It couldn't have been more than a couple dozen, and even then, they likely weren't well trained if they were non-SAMC. If they were however, then the odds were going to be tough. Still, shit or bust it was today, and they were gonna give it all they had.