Everything felt so overwhelming to her as her eyes landed on the King, the one person she had told herself she’d be fine to live without. The man she felt deserved so much better than her and the one person she had genuinely wanted to help, only to have that blow up in her face. Seeing him resurfaced the love she felt, the care and the want to be with him alongside all the guilt of what she had put him through from assisting in his kidnapping to then letting him believe she was dead. What kind of person would do that to someone they cared about? Though what kind of person would leave a sanctuary knowing they were safe? The foolish kind that truly believed she could find something to stop the rebellion once and for all so he could finally live in peace without the scourge ruining his life. Hearing her name leave his lips she felt herself tremble trying to hold back her own tears. A part of her wondering if he’d hate her for letting him believe she was dead. Even as she stumbled out an apology her eyes went wide as he moved forward and seconds later, she could feel a tight embrace as his arms wrapped around her. A warmth enveloped her, and she couldn’t help but give in to her own desire as she returned the embrace tightly, worried that if she couldn't feel him, it would all be a lie. That she’d wake up from some sort of daze that she had painted because of how fearful she was about returning to the prison that had tortured her once before. Closing her eyes, she buried her head in his chest not daring to face the look of Jacobs face or anyone else that where watching. Iris knew she was about to get a good man into trouble if she couldn’t think of something plausible that wouldn’t incriminate Jacob. Then there were the guards that must be judging their King for openly showing care towards a criminal. There was also the issue of another woman being in this safe house that Iris couldn’t help but wonder about, it had been the same woman she had seen on the TV watching the party before the disaster. So much emotion swirled around in her head that it felt nauseating, tightening her grip on him as she tried to steel herself to face the inevitable music. [color=f49ac2]“I’m so sorry Cas...”[/color] Repeating the apology that had been interrupted before. [color=f49ac2]“I’m so sorry.”[/color] Truly she felt awful knowing he had grieved for her right after losing his only family left. Reaching her hand up she wiped away his tears before resting her hand gently on his cheek pulling back to meet his gaze. [color=f49ac2]“I was trying to find something to help you, to finally get rid of that rebellion so you’d have peace.”[/color] Her own voice wavered as she whispered out the words, her eyes tearing up again as she couldn’t stop them from falling because she had let him down again. [color=f49ac2]“I was stupid.”[/color] Iris sighed her eyes downcast as her hand slipped from his face disappointed in herself and the decisions she had made, but yet a part of her was so happy to finally see him again when she didn’t think there’d be a chance. Biting her lip, she could feel everyone was staring at them, she could hear whispers between the guards, everyone thoroughly confused as to who she was and why the King was acting this way towards her. No one had really known what she was to him except his friends and Jacob and right now she knew rumours were about to spiral for him and she didn’t want to keep causing him trouble like this. Maybe honesty would be the best policy here? But then she’d get Jacob into trouble and what if he hated her for it? [color=f49ac2]“I thought I’d never see you again...”[/color] Emotions started to pour out because she couldn’t hold it back anymore and her body shook as she tried to stop herself from crying and looking so pathetic in front of him and everyone.