[h1][b][i][color=aba400][center]Maximillian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/rmBRrwyf/image.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=aba400][b]Location[/b][/color]: Mansion [color=aba400][b]Skills[/b][/color]: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1072256323997151362/Screenshot_20191006-040735_Instagram.jpg]Current Outfit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Flashes of a life long gone ran behind Max's eyes at the mention of Mary. Images of the ginger mutant displayed in his minds eye as a shiver ran down his spine. He had hoped to avoid her for the time being. If his memory served him, she was 'the crazy one' who's very touch envenomed one of their own back in New Orleans. People were different back then, not all was as it seemed, and even the best of them had gone rogue at one point or another. Still, he wasn't quite sure about what to think of Mary at the moment. He realized he'd grown silent, tugging at the edge of his sleeve as he'd thought of how to respond to Bethany before finally rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed. A light chuckle following suit before he finally spoke. [Color=aba400]"Sorry it's a bit of a long commute from New Orleans to here, so I figured it'd be much easier to simply open a portal between places."[/color] Max looked around the hallway, taking in the sights once more before continuing. [Color=aba400]"So this is the dorm hallway huh? Hope I didn't disturb anyone, I was jus-"[/color] Another person emerged from one of the dorm rooms. Max wondered if they were paired up or if each person got their own room. But something the man had said caught his attention, as if new people weren't interesting enough he brought up two enticing subjects. [Color=aba400]"I'm sorry a curse? Is it magical in nature? Who else has it? Think I could take a look at it? How'd it even come about? And wait…did you say Lance?"[/color] Max recalled the cute kid they'd rescued back in Australia, but quickly dismissed the thought. [Color=aba400]"Never mind the last question, I doubt its the same guy."[/color] he said as his nerves got the best of him and made him ramble. He tried to create a glass bottle of sparkling water, something to keep his mouth occupied so that he didn't continuously ramble. There was a slight wave of his hand, the magic flowing just above the surface when a new voice cut into the conversation. Instantly the nebulous energy dispersed as Max was hit with an overwhelming presence. [i]Something[/i] had entered into the room alongside Mary, it felt powerful and, if Max had to savor a guess based on the intensity of that power, ancient. When his eyes met hers, fire flashed across them, gone by the next moment that he'd blinked. [i]This wasnt good[/i]. He cleared his throat, before giving her a smile and trying to play it off. [Color=aba400]"Ah yeah, Wandaworld. Not a lot of time to get to know everyone fully there, but I made some great connections I'd say. We met briefly at the…Lebeau Casino yeah? I'd shake your hand but…I distinctly recall that being a bad thing I think?"[/color] Max turned so that he was facing all three of them now. [Color=aba400]"For those who don't know me already I'm Maximillian Gray, former member of the Mutant Underground. Sorry for the random portal I just needed a quick way to get here from New Orleans. You know how it is, trying to spend as much time as I can with the family before finally leaving for here. I guess you could say I'm the newest addition to Xavier's and…a bit thirsty. Any chance this tour will have sparkling water?"[/color] Max spied another figure down the hall, though she hadn't interacted with the group so far so he moved his attention back to those before him. [Color=aba400]"So Bethany, Mary, aaaand I don't think I caught your name?"[/color] The man was handsome, and had Max been single he would've easily attempted to slip in a flirtatious comment as well.