[centre][h1][color=007236]Rowan Moore[/color][/h1][/centre][hr] Rowan took Stig's blank stare with a delayed nod as an affirmation. She took the toddler by the hand and looked around for where the concert stage would be. It didn't take her long to collect her bearings considering the stage was exactly where it was every year. She was about to see off before David grabbed her attention again. [color=0072bc]"Well, uhh."[/color] David turned to Rowan. [color=0072bc]"I hope you don't mind. We can look for Freyja together."[/color] The others who were playing the game looked to be heading off elsewhere and it didn't look like David was joining them. Rowan didn't mind him tagging along with her of course. What interactions she had with the guy were sparse, but he seemed nice and respectful company. That was a breath of fresh air when compared to some of the other kids in town. Rowan's only concern was that trying to reunite a lost toddler with his family wasn't a riveting task. [color=007236]"I'm afraid I'm not doing anything exciting. But you can tag along if you want."[/color] Rowan replied back with a muted but welcoming smile. [color=007236]"I think Freyja should be somewhere around the stage. But I'm not sure, I don't really keep up with what happening at these things until I'm actually here."[/color] She joked as the two started heading toward the stage area. As they were walking, Rowan noticed a buzz in her pocket. Then again. And again. Then twice more. Leaving her to wonder what exactly could be happening that her phone would be going berserk. Grabbing out her phone, Rowan checked her notifications to discover she had just received 5 texts from Ambrose. 5 texts from Ambrose during the festival when it couldn't possibly be about tutoring meant nothing good. [color=007236][i]Luckily my phone just ran out of power so I couldn't have received those texts.[/i][/color] Rowan thought to herself as she held down the power button to shut it off and place it back in her pocket. She didn't like to be bothered by her phone while she was at the festival anyway. [@Conscripts][@Fading Memory][@psych0pomp]