[b]Yet another Sison Auditorium Barracks RP[/b] [hider=collab] A lone soul wandered around the structure, desperately searching for hours upon hours, for even if they got a moment of respite she knew without what she was looking for all that fighting and death would have been for naught. Nil had gotten only two chocolate bars out of forty-four. Indeed after so much time of looking around she had lost spirit, but even still she wandered, she could give up trying to fight a strong opponent but not trying to get sweets. While looking around Nil saw a young boy that probably shouldn't be in a combat area, but she did recognise his face from the short post-briefing with Callie and Henri, it was one of three they were looking for. "Nemo, Niko, Neekro..." She mistakenly said outloud as the two names fused in her head. First Lieutenant Noel Alonso was looking for Nemo, and yes, he had a small woven basket filled with pastries and a few chocolate bars tucked under his arm. Waving hi to the both of them, the young officer said, "Soldiers; you both well?" When the young man entered the scene Nil's attention immediately shifted, not exactly on the man himself but rather on the food-filled basket he was carrying. "Yes, from the Royal Thai Army." she said while looking nothing like a thai. Nemo has been sitting still, waiting for new orders from his handlers when he heard someone mention him. He looked up just in time to see the commanding officer entering and addressing him. "Yes." he replied to the older boy. Noel then went over to both, offering Nil a chocolate bar and Nemo a powdery but sweet cookie, saying, "Would you two like to eat something sweet?" "Yes!" Nil said ecstatic, grabbing the chocolate bar and starting to eating it right away, together with the plastic wrapper of course. Nemo stared at the cookie for a moment. He didn't understand what was happening, and simply shook his head "no". Looking at the younger boy Nil wondered how much of a waste it was to leave that cookie, but she didn't say anything, at least it wasn't going to waste away immediately. [i]What was the thing about this young boy[/i], she thought while munching on the chocolate bar and trying to remind herself what even was his name. Noel put the cookie back in the basket and said, "All right. So, you’re looking for anything to do? Are you bored?" "Waiting for orders to move to the library..." Nemo replied simply. "You have permission," Noel didn't fully understand Nemo's situation, and it showed as he added, "You don't need orders; read anything you can want in the Library; nothing there is classified." Then he asked, "What sort of books do you like?" Nemo tilted his head, confused. Was there not someone wanting him to go to the library? He supposed if there wasn't an order to go, then it wasn't that important. "I don't know." Noel's expression chilled, before he said to Nemo, "...Okay, that's not normal. Tell me how you were raised; did your parents or trainers hurt you?" "I'm not supposed to talk about that." Nemo responded. The conversation had suddenly become tense. "Where even is the library?" she asked Noel, trying to nag him away from that conversation with Nemo. Noel sighs as he remembered, "Oh, right, this place doesn't have one; this used to be an auditorium where plays and theater performances were held." He then said to Nemo, already feeling guilt at what he was going to do, "What if I order you to talk about it?" Nemo thought for a moment. "Standing orders like that are more important, I think." "Standing orders from who?" was the response from Noel himself. "The handlers." Nemo said, somewhat apprehensively. He was starting to worry about the situation. During the ongoing conversation Nil had started to feel the tension more and more and chose to stay just out of it, slowly backing away, but still close enough to the basket to grab a couple of cookies. Noel asked next, "Did you [i]want[/i] to be a soldier?" "I don't remember." The boy was definitely worried at this point. Noel saw Nemo look worried, then sighed, "I'll leave you alone, then, if you want. For all its worth, sorry for making you uncomfortable. Also, do eat the cookie if you want; it's impolite to not eat food offered to you if it's good..." [/hider]