[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/K93qHg7.png[/img][/center] At times, Mel's office felt like an orphanage...but really, that was what it was. At least, for Yasu. Maybe for Cam and Emma too, judging by their looks. And perhaps Niid? Naw. This Niid looked like he had money, so no. Yeah. In a third of the branches she saw, Niid wasn't even there. Curled up on the patchwork couch that occupied Mel's office inside her office, Yasu flipped through her diary quietly, skimming through all the details, parsing together all the names. Faces familiar, names familiar, but relationships always offset, somewhat. Progressing with time, but diverging with time. It was good enough to know that she had a good relationship with her employer though! And that she was taking turns with Cam, feeding a stray cat. Better that Kelsey was alive here, though Mo Cheng was an enemy. And then there was the matter with the Pale Terror. Did [i]that[/i] monster not exist, or was it simply never found? She rubbed her eyes, then snapped her diary shut again. Mel was speaking, so she was listening. [b]"Can we read the book?"[/b] Curiousity brightened her tone. [b]"Or is it one of [i]those[/i] sorts of books?"[/b]