[center][h1]Niid[/h1][/center] Niid was strewn casually across a chair he had managed to somehow find throughout the throng of books. He peered around curiously, examining the crack squad of hand-picked cleaners picked by the lead of this office. A little girl. A rich little girl. And a slightly (but only slightly) less little woman. As well as he, himself a rich kid with more than a few drug problems that needed funding and a very possible death wish. He drummed the fingers of his left hand lightly against the carbon alloy section of his right pectoral. His leg began to jitter uncontrollably as he listened to his boss's instructions. An interesting proposal. His lips stretched across his face, his mouth widening into a beam under his thin faceplate. It was an interesting proposition indeed. A sum that much would only be offered what would be quite possibly a risky job. And that was just the kind of job Niid was interested in doing. The savage beast of boredom had been steadily encroaching on him over the past few hours, and he had to resort to the classic pass time of homeless hunting to sustain his interest in life. He narrowed his eyes in examination, nodding his head rhythmically as the boss spoke, attempting to ensure he appeared to be listening. And upon Mel's last note, [b]ordering[/b] him to ask questions, his interest spilled forth out into the room. He cut straight to the point though and began with, 'What's in this [i]book[/i], something interesting? Worth me sitting down for a little read? Why yuh' wan' it so bad?'