“My Queen” Ellen would shout a reply “The civilians are up and aren’t happy!” Her shouting was not to do with panic, though there was a bit of that. It was more to be sure she could be heard over the pandemonium of the shelter. Both her and her sister were doing what they could to hold back the tide of people. But they were not bult for this, not if they wanted to keep people unharmed. They had the advantage of being Magical girls, so by that fact alone were stronger than they looked, but that would only count for so much. So neither of them really questioned the spirits that showed up to assist, there would be time for that later. [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200425/12aedc10afb0415009c007e9d88847c2.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Tick tock⋮:.[/Sub] [hider=Summary] (23)[color=](32)[/color] | (23)[color=](36)[/color] | (23)[color=](31)[/color] | (13) | (4) (Metal & Lightning & Gravity) | (Regen & Prime) (Bile) | (Tooth and Claw) | (Elemental) | (Enhanced Uniform) | (Imortality) (Monstrous Metamorph) | (Legacy) | (Enhanced Weapon) | (Dual Weapon) | (Gifted) (ManaFont)|Solo (Redirected Magic) | (Second spec) | (Transport) (Broken reincarnation) | (Nonstandard limbs) | (Debt) [/hider] [/center] The Engine wasn’t concerned with a struggle for dominance against the Queen of Hearts. That was her objective here, so when they clashed The Engine simple roll up and over her opponent, it was as if Gravity had no hold on her for a moment. That wasn’t to say she was completely out of the way when her enemy started her counter assault. The gouge on her leg was more the proof of that. But those were the only wounds that were inflicted as The Engine continued to dance away from the rest of them. Her eyes were locked with the Queen of Hearts and slowly as the one-sided attack progressed The Engine would display a large fanged grin. A mocking and taunting grin. Internally The Engine was recalculating, behind her Snoopy gave her a clear image of the devastation that was being rained down on the artillery placements. So that objective was taken care of. Her surveillance points were keeping her updated on the mounting chaos back at the town proper. But her own presence there likely wouldn’t be a large contribution. [color=9e0039][i][s]’Why did no else one reply?’[/s][/i][/color] So, she recalculated, as she dodged and weaved and parried. All focus put towards staying just barely in reach, but not enough to gain anything more than scratches. And then suddenly with a slight tilt of her head, The Engine vanished. The air around her warping the only clue as to the nature of how, but one that Wonderland was sure to recognize. Not that where she had gone would long be a surprise. Door mouse would find her first, as she would feel The Engines arm wrap around her neck as she was pulled back into a choke hold. At the same time the smaller girl’s limbs would be constrained by the tendrils that the Engine still had employed. A moment later an ear piercingly loud electronic whine would split the air, a warning of what was at the ready. One wrong move and the Doormouse would perish. The Engine watched the Queen of hearts carefully, the mocking smile still present, but partially hidden by the Doormouse herself. And above them all storm clouds began to roll in. [hr] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [Sub] -=Ǝ Into the Frying pan E=- [/Sub] [hider=Summary] (4) | (6) | (5) | (11) | (11) (Empathy & Illusion) | (Duplication) (Enhanced weapon) | (Dual weapon) | (Masculinity) | (Gifted) | (Eternal style) (Awareness) | (Enhanced transformation) (Enhanced transformation) | (ShineSpark) | (Transportation) (Excommunication) | (Vow: Kindness) [/hider] [/center] Landing in the town was just as stomach churning as Aurelio had expected it too be. It wasn’t because of the magical teleport, no he was far, far to used to such things for that to be it. It was more the atmosphere of war that got to him. Though it was oddly blunted he would come to realize a moment later. [color=fff79a]“Understood.”[/color] He would reply to Alicia as he made he was towards the densest conglomeration of emotions, which was mainly [color=#AED043][b]Panic[/b][/color] and [color=#DE8CC5][b]Confusion[/b][/color] at the moment. Because as far as he could tell someone had already gone around and gathered up all of the civies here, but for what reason they did that he couldn’t yet tell. Still, A puff of smoke later and a pinkish clone would appear and take off after the illusion. [color=fff79a]“Going to try and keep some eyes on it”[/color] He would explain. [color=fff79a]“Might give us an idea as to what it was, they were trying to make us do.”[/color] Something that would hopefully be of use. Though if it has anything to do with the twin sources of [color=Red][b]Rage[/b][/color] on the outside of the town he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know. One of the angers felt normal, but the other one was just [i]wrong[/i] It was far to flat and static for an emotion and made his skin crawl just looking at it. The farther he could stay from that the better. In little more time they would reach the entrance of the Shelter. Wasting no time Aurelio would leap out of the car, two clone poofing into existence behind him as he raced over to help. His clones moved off to the side, as they were basic ones without any magical capability, and started working on getting the teleportation Beacon set up. Inside would have been better, but they could move it later if needed. Aurelio himself planted himself in between Oliver and Connie and began syphoning as much [color=#AED043][b]Panic[/b][/color] as he could out of the civilians. The confusion wasn’t as detrimental to their situation at the moment, not if they could get them calmed down at least. [color=fff79a]“Evening you two,”[/color] He would say though grit teeth [color=fff79a]“I’d do a proper introduction but I’m not sure now’s the time. Either way, name is Aurelio. Glad I could make it in time to help.”[/color]