It was quite the curious thing to see. Conventional wisdom would suggest that in order to go downwards, they would have to climb down. 'What comes up must come down' though it seemed that the concept did not exist in the mind of that cracked gremlin stuck up in that tree like a cat. It was bizarre how she was able to just treat the situation like it was just another day, as if it was a normal thing to do to wake up on a mystery island and then climb up a tree to get coconuts like she was grabbing produce from a supermarket. Rather than a comfort, Victor found himself a bit unsettled that she either was detached from the reality of the situation or she just didn't care. Just like she did not care for her own personal safety. Verity decided to take a page from a George of the Jungle and climb down the tree recklessly. Sure, it got the job done, but he found himself holding his breath hoping that she did not fall because it was already bad enough that they were in this situation, it was another to be in this situation while she had a broken leg. Still, it was quite impressive to see her make her way down the tree. She definitely was tougher and outdoorsy than any of the rich kids that he had met at school. [color=6ecff6]"Uh, thanks for the food, "[/color] said Victor to the rich girl plucking splintered bark from her hands. After all the effort she had gone through, it was only appropriate that he would express his thanks. She followed up asking them if they were to explore the island and Orlando already beat him to the punch, so the Frenchman just nodded in agreement since there was not much else to add. They needed to find a more consistent source of food and clean water that can sustain their group as well as shelter if they were going to survive long enough to get off the island. At least that's what he should've been thinking about. What was going through his mind was a completely different story. This situation was an impossibility; one moment they were on a brisk English shore at night and then they woke up on a sunny tropical beach ripped out of the Caribbeans and that was not mentioning what happened in-between getting from point A to point B. It wasn't a dream either; he was painfully lucid. There was a clarity in his thoughts and sensory perceptions. He could feel the individual grains of sand between his toes, the salt licked humid breeze of the beach, crunching of foliage beneath his feet, and the smoothness of the young coconuts that he caught. He could hear the caws of seagulls, waves crashing, and the cacophony of insects crying in the jungle as the backdrop to their conversation. He was far too aware of his surroundings and his awareness of space was just as clear as ever. All of this was real... so where were they? His train of thought, however, was broken by Daniel who desperately looked at Victor as if he had any sort of plan because yeah, he would most certainly have anything resembling a bloody plan after being transported through what he could only guess was a portal when they hit the water, or maybe they died, and hell was literally other people. It was beginning to feel like the latter. What was he supposed to tell Daniel? That he had no master plan to get off the plan and that his apparent confidence was the only thing keeping him from crumpling into a fetal position. Well, he never got the chance due to Daniel's attention being whisked away to the rustling of foliage like a nervous squirrel. He dropped the coconuts and picked up the branch that he was holding until the hail of coconuts courtesy of Verity. His grip tightened around it, prepped to strike at whatever wild animal that came his way. Well, it probably wouldn't actually do much damage though it made him feel better, like a toddler with a safety blanket. Thankfully, depending how one would look at it, it wasn't an animal, but Sophia and the rest of the entourage. Personally, he would've preferred a wild boar over her. The rest of them did not look like they were in tiptop shape. Maeve looked the worst, her eyes red and puffy from crying after Imogen laid into her. There was a tinge of guilt for not stepping in to try and comfort her. Actually, he really was a bit of a jerk to just walk away from her when she was sobbing. He just wanted to get away from the situation. Whenever there was a chance, Victor knew he should apologize. At least Imogen and her made up if their hand holding was any indication. Then there was that blonde boy who the last time he checked did not have a cheek that was redder than the other. Everything was normal until Victor noticed that there was one more addition to the group that he did not recognize, a black-haired girl. [i][color=6ecff6]Was she always there?[/color][/i] He thought to himself. Actually, it was a question of how he did not recognize her because this girl was crazy tall by comparison to the rest of the girls. Not wanting to be rude, he only took a quick glance at her though shifted his gaze away as staring is quite impolite. Still, had she been there the entire time? How in the world did he not notice her with her black hair against the pale sand? He noticed Verity and that girl was camouflaged. There was not a chance in hell he was going to ask something like that, however. Victor grabbed his own coconut and took page from the wild woman's book and smashed it against the tree, splintering and the sweet water trickled out between his fingers. He took a sip and despite being a tad messier than he would've liked, it was refreshing in this humid heat. It was stupid of him to relax though because as soon as he felt like he could take a rest, an eerie silence hung in the air. The cacophony of sounds ceased to be. An icy chill ran down his spine as a sense of dread weighed his stomach down like a block of lead. Unsurprisingly, Sophia was ignorant to the deafening silence that now enveloped them and claimed that she saw a spring. If this was like the movies and shows that he grew up watching, it meant clean water. They had a means of survival and yet, the read did not leave. He placed his hand on his chest, trying to remember that warm sensation when he was sinking in the darkness, the comfort that he felt when his being was slipping away. [color=6ecff6][i]Hey, disembodied voice. If you weren't an auditory hallucination, I could really use some guidance to get me out of here alive.[/i][/color]