[center][h1][color=#B5A642][b]Dragan Meszaros[/b][/color][/h1][/center] As Luna caught up, Dragan considered their current course of action. Both she and Aleksiya did make a fair point that there was very likely another vampire lord somewhere within the woods. Of course, Giselle had presumably run off in that direction already, so continuing on in this vein was logical. Luna did raise an interesting point, but Dragan wasn't quite certain as to whether or not it had any merit in truth. [color=#B5A642][b]"Frankly, I have my doubts as to whether this purported vampire lord within the forest has any conscious control over what is being created here. My hundred former brethern were rather thorough in their work, by all appearances. Regardless, I would not let speculation stop us from at least going to judge for ourselves first. Should they not prove tractable, there are enough of us to...rectify that error."[/b][/color] Dragan turned to exit the building, his hammer resting on one shoulder. [color=#B5A642][b]"I will catch up momentarily. There are words I would have with the village headman first. Moreover, Giselle and Akyasha must be informed of this development, if either of you two would care to seek them out."[/b][/color]