Mougin was quickly disoriented as he was assaulted by unknown terms. Confused as he was, his brain performed an analysis regardless. Whatever this being meant by a 'disk' (perhaps the coins were also disks), the issue was that he could not open an account. Somewhat unfamiliar with the word, it took him a moment to recall what it meant. An account was a record. It was supposed to be a record of his finances, then? That was indeed what he wanted. He needed an ID for this, whatever that was. Sensors... Related to senses perhaps, therefore what this man used to sense things. A strange way of speaking, not that he could throw stones in that department, but also, it wasn't very relevant to his current issue. Well then. [color=007236][b]"What is this ID you speak of?"[/b][/color] The minotaur asked. That seemed to be the most petinent question at the moment. The rest would have to wait for later.