[hr] [hr] [center][h2][color=darkred]Ardere Terrane[/color][/h2][/center] From all Ardere had seen and heard at the carnival, the decadent food and the foolhardy schoolmates showing off their powers at the galleries, she wasn't expecting to see Queen Bees. Three upperclassmen, from the way the crowd parted from them like Moses and the Red Sea, walked like royalty on the school grounds. Even the ridiculous face paint they had seemed to belong in the Louvre. Ardere would laugh if she didn't feel a hint of jealousy of their gravitas; how nice it would be to be adored by everyone. Wealth and beauty, the trio seemed to have it all as the redhead stared until they disappeared out of sight. Good riddance, it seems. As bad as it is to be alone here, better than being alone and humiliated. If the stories her older brother told had any hint of truth to them, Ardere reminded herself to stay clear of cliques. She shook herself out of her deep brooding. Practicing her smile to look less like a stone gargoyle, the freshman soon thought of the fortune teller, wondering if there would be animals present, like a dog or maybe a cat. Perhaps some background music and nice-smelling flowers that distracts the mind but Ardere corrected herself to stop thinking so stereotypically of witches and fortune tellers. However, her train of thought was interrupted by a voice too high-pitched for a teenager. Ardere's eyes fell upon Dorian like a tsunami crashing upon the beach, regarding him with utmost curious blue eyes as if he was the most unusual sight on campus. An awkward pause existed between the two of them before Ardere finally processed his question. [color=darkred]"Yes."[/color] she answered, perhaps too monotonously. "[color=darkred]I'm waiting for the fortune teller. I think someone is also inside. This is the line if you're also interested in meeting her.[/color]