[center][h1][b]The Conundrum[/b][/h1] [h3][i]Into the Heart of Corruption - Part 2[/i][/h3][/center] [hr] “[color=aa6c39] There, there, Oa. Don’t kill my champion. I did create them for a reason you know. [/color]” said Ashevelen with a smile before looking at Pyrrha and giving her a small bow. “[color=aa6c39]You look like Desire and even ride the Sunset Orange, but your energy seems different. One of her sisters, I assume? If so, greetings. I am Ashevelen, Lady of the Swift Trade and Shadows. Here you go. [/color]” said Ashe before throwing a coin towards Pyrrha. Her sign of respect. Turning towards Oa, Ashevelen grew in size to match the divine and looked right into her eyes. “[color=aa6c39]I happened to listen in to your conversation. You have made a mess of my shadows, you know? Destroyed the Steppes too. I had Umbra traveling through this area. I don’t really appreciate that. As Desire’s sister said, you didn’t have permission from any of your siblings to destroy our creations. [/color]” said Ashevelen. Half-scolding the divine that went against her siblings, willingly or not. Ashevelen and Pyrrha stood in place feeling odd as Oa stared at Ashvelen for fifteen minutes of silence, the room itself entirely submerged in the absence of sound. After taking a deep breath, and letting out a sigh, Oa said: [color=#995580][i]“I don't break promises I make, you know…”[/i][/color] She walked away from Ashvelen’s intrusion without much of a thought, as she ascended the steps towards her large throne, she then said: [color=#995580][i]“Now… if you three don’t mind, I would ask you not to touch anything…”[/i][/color] The three soon felt what seemed like an echo or simply a pulse of energy, weak and alien, emanating from beneath the palace. It was the sound of breathing, or a faint howl in the distance of a foggy land. The silence returned, as Oa stood in front of her throne, and she then said. [color=#995580][i]“Do not go downstairs; that is also another rule for guests.”[/i][/color] She soon sat down again on her throne. Eventually Ashevelen shook her head at Oa’s silence. “[color=aa6c39] I didn’t say that, did I? Just making sure my champion here doesn’t confuse your overall…behavior as aggressiveness and decides it’s a good idea to defend themselves. [/color]” said Ashevelen with a smile before putting her hand inside her robe and taking out a few coins. “[color=aa6c39]I have yet to apologize for intruding on your realm without permission. I hope these will smooth things over. [/color]” said Ashe once more with a tiny bow while making the coins fly over to Oa. If Oa would touch the coins, she could see the Blood Horses of Wyn. Their powers, abilities, lifespan and everything about them. [i]“Ahem!”[/i] Pyrrha playfully stood up upon her toes and fell back on her heels repeatedly as she announced her presence, seeking to draw the attention of the other two deities. [i]“I was wondering whether we could chat about what happened to the Steppes and what’s going to happen next?”[/i] Oa’queisskesi held up the coin in her hand as her arm rested on the armchair of the throne, and with a small energy flux the coin swiftly summoned a Blood Horse created by Wyn. It stood in the throne room for a moment, before tumbling, landing hard on the stone floor and already dead. Oa spoke again. [color=#995580][i]Well, I am not surprised about that. I don't recommend giving me gifts that break due to my essence, albeit I do have suggestion for later…”[/i][/color] Turning to Pyrrha she then said [color=#995580][i]“It's among the first steps for what I plan to do. Mostly for now it just acts as an attrition field for any force approaching without…[/i][/color] She turned her head to the right, seemingly suspicious, or hearing something grunting, and after a moment of time of silence she said aloud. [color=#995580][i]“Hmph… I don't think you wanna hear the rest.”[/i][/color] Ashevelen looked at the horse and how it died, shaking her head before a papyrus appeared in front of her, words started to appear on the paper as she looked upon it. “[color=aa6c39]Thank you, Oa, for the demonstration. I shall remember to improve the next batch of blood horses to resist corruption but for the future, I do suggest you modify creatures you receive before releasing them in your lands. [/color]” said Ashe with a smile as the papyrus disappeared with a [i]puff[/i] With an inquisitive look, Ashevelen listened to the exchange between Pyrrha and Oa. “[color=aa6c39] Attrition field. So, you or your [i]family[/i] do prepare for war against your siblings. I know you haven’t forgotten but I feel it needs to be said out loud once more. You gave me your word that you won’t do harm to my creations. Are you willing to…sign a [i][b]pact[/b][/i] with me, affirming the same? [/color]” said Ashe as another papyrus appeared. Quickly turning towards Pyrrha, Ashe added “[color=aa6c39]And your mother, what would she say if one of the beings she called, wishes to destroy the world she created? Even if the being is saying they don’t want to. [/color]” Briefly pondering the words of Oa’queisskesi, perhaps perplexed, and then suddenly as blithe as can be - Pyrrha posed in a comical manner, combining cheer and pretend penance, as she pointed at Ashevelen - though hints of anger could be detected by those that have divine senses choosing to heed her whimsical words as she chimed. [i]“I can’t ascertain whether she would intervene or not. She would probably say that it’s a part of the Sacred Path, or some such. Perhaps you should ask her…”[/i] The doppelgänger of Desire simply shrugged after she answered the question, before she twirled her hands and attention, pointing to the corpse of the sanguine equis, acting like a child looking at a lone cookie left abandoned upon a plate. [i]“Can I have that?”[/i] Despite asking for permission, without waiting for a reply, Pyrrha immediately sent forth a series of silvery strings that interwove around and entangled the dead creature before bringing it to her. Her small hands sank into its dark and metallic hide, similar to the fangs of a feral beast ravaging the flesh of its prey. The broken bulk of the blood horse was of no consequence, as threads slashed apart and sectioned its body into multiple pieces which she began to swiftly consume as well. Between bites; she spoke to Oa again. [i]“I do think - munch! - I want to - gulp! - hear the rest, please - Chomp!”[/i] Oa seemed to retain herself, still seated the throne, maintaining a stoic face. She sighed, seeing Pyrrha devour a horse, and then said. [color=#995580][i]“No blood on the floor please…”[/i][/color] She seemed to look at Ashe, and then grunted in a low tone before including more. [color=#995580][i]“I feel a bit offended… but what does that word even mean?[/i][/color] She sought to clarify further. [color=#995580][i]“Si-bli-ng… translates badly in my mouth. Siaiqu… sounds like… I-”[/i][/color] She suddenly seemed to stop talking while looking around, leaning back upon her throne. Her face seemed to flash with a hint of surprise before returning to her emotionless stare, and then she uttered the words. [color=#995580][i]“Ironakau… sibling…”[/i][/color] When the words left her mouth the room seemed to change as the three could see that they were being watched by a crowd of hidden beings with eyes of white in the darkness all shifted towards. Oa stayed in deep thought before saying. [color=#995580][i]“Well that explains a lot.”[/i][/color] With an expression of surprise for a split second, Ashevelen looked at Pyrrha, how she was eating the horse, and then laughed out loud. “[color=aa6c39]If you were hungry, Pyrrha, you should’ve asked. Come by the Bazaar, we’ve got the best cuisine this world can provide. Restaurants as far as you can see. [/color]” Ashe said while salt appeared above Pyrrha and dropped on the horse’s body. Turning towards Oa, Ashe put her hands up in a friendly manner. Even as the hidden beings appeared in the room, not that Ashe paid them any notice. They were far from a threat and between the two Goddesses, they could challenge Oa in her own realm if needed. Penumbra, all but forgotten between the deities, approached Ashevelen for the first time and with an almost imperceptible nod from their creator, was allowed to retreat inside the shadows of Ashevelen. Finally free from the corruption, bathing in the shadows of existence themselves now. “[color=aa6c39] No offense intended, Oa. I’m only stating facts. You and your [i]family[/i] are preparing for war against your own kin. Surely you must understand that it won’t end well. Not for you, not for us, not for the mortals and especially the world. If you just want to destroy stuff, I can sell you the location of a different universe that you can take over or enslave or whatever you want to do. [/color]” as Ashevelen spoke, tiny dark balls of shadows appeared around her, one for each creature in the room. “[color=aa6c39]You haven’t answered my question. Will you sign a pact or should we get ready for war? [/color]” Oa stood still with a sigh she then said. [color=#995580][i]“I do not plan conflict with you unless you wish for conflict. Instead the one who claims I am readying for war is you. I wish only security for myself. After all, those who shout at a new wall of a city claiming to be an act of war are raiders.”[/i][/color] Oa seemed to turn her head before she also said [color=#995580][i]“And don't call me kin, I am your kindred or sibling for you two don't come from where I lived.”[/i][/color] Ashevelen shook her head at the old rhetoric. "[Color=aa6c39]If it's only security, none shall have an issue. The other divines just wish to know that you don't plan to do anything of the sort. As for the "wall", your wall killed 392 Umbra that did nothing but pass through the Steppes. 1245 Centaurs that made this place their home long before you awakened. I can continue if you want but I'm sure you understand what I mean. [/color]" replied Ashevelen in a very calm voice before looking at Pyrrha who was still busy with the horse and then turning back to Oa. "[Color=aa6c39]We are all kin, Oa. The divine spark is one we all share. Irrelevant of where we live, what form we take, our aspects. [/color]" The last remaining pieces of salty viscera were consumed, and Pyrrha sighed with satisfaction afterwards, licking any lingering blood off from her face. Standing upon [i]Sunset Orange[/i], she shuddered briefly before she belched forth a stream of bright veridian flames that became a familiar shape. The emerald fire transformed into ethereal flesh, and standing upon the shimmer-board beside her was the reborn soul of the sanguine equis she had eaten. Pyrrha glanced between the two goddesses with a guilty grin, then cast a spell to shrink the soul so that it was small enough to fit when it flew forward and alighted upon her shoulder beside the soul of a rodent that appeared as well. [i]“Hehe.”[/i] Oa maintained a stare at Ashvelen, her voice seemed a bit offended as she said: [color=#995580][i]“I do not seek conflict for my people. A promise is the same as what you call a pact, and to necessitate me to sign something is insulting.”[/i][/color] The commentary about being kin even made her roll her eyes. [color=#995580][i]“Power does not make each other equal otherwise all living beings with souls would be the same…”[/i][/color] The lights fade, and then she was one step away from Ashe, anger breaking through her stoic visage as she said: [color=#995580][i]“Between us two… we are acquaintances that is true… but if you wish to build our relationship by not bringing painful memories to me - Here is the thing [b]Don’t Call Me Sister!”[/b][/i][/color] Her voice became much louder compared to her calmness before, the echo of her words in the palace made it shake in a small earthquake. “[color=aa6c39]Yet I don’t need you to sign anything, Oa. This is just a record of all that’s happening today. I just need you to give me your word once more. Promise once more that you or your subjects shall not cause harm to my subjects or my interests, willingly, and I will stop bothering you. [/color]” replied Ashevelen. Her powers priming as she waited for the fateful words Oa would speak. The shout took her by surprise but Ashevelen’s face was imperceivable as always, yet she allowed herself a smile. “[color=aa6c39]Very well. I apologize. As an apology, please take this. I hope you’ll find it useful. An item from my personal collection. Light Eater. [/color]”, she replied as she put a hand inside her robes pulling out a dagger that seemed to devour light while constantly vibrating. With a simple thought, the dagger changed into an ax then a spear, then a shield and then into a sword. Oa grabbed the sword, and as she held it, Light Eater turned into a spear. She rotated the weapon with one hand, appreciating its agility, before stopping with a gust of wind in the room. She thrust the spear forward, followed by a slash eastwards, then she returned to her idle stance. She stared at Ashevelen. [color=#995580][i]“You have my word that I will not do harm to you just like before when we first met…”[/i][/color] The room seemed to shake for a moment, then she said:[color=#995580][i]“Albeit I must notify you that some of them protested so I shall see if I can reign them in… as for the gift.”[/i][/color] She soon bowed lifting up saying: [color=#995580][i]“Thank you for your gift. I shall look after it with my heart and soul.”[/i][/color] Ashevelen bowed her head respectfully. "[Color=aa6c39]I'm sorry, but I'll need you to say myself and my subjects. Please. As for Light Eater, it's just a trinket I picked up in my travels. Someone tried to sell their soul for a weapon, if you believe it…and in the end, they lost both the soul and the weapon. [/color]" said Ashe with a chuckle. Oa gave a light nod saying letting the blade float beside her she put both her hands in her chest closing eyes as the room went silent she then said in abyssal [color=#995580]“Ai Oa’qeisskesi Sihuui ao naeilosaherelno takaise keacetak”[/color] She then continued in a regular language [color=#995580][i]“In the name of Ashevelen and her subjects may it not be broken and it may not be shattered”[/i][/color] The room suddenly seemed to echo the last words almost like a hundred witnesses were there to testify saying [i]“May it not be broken and it may not be shattered”[/i] Ashe raised a finger in the air and shook it left and right. “[color=aa6c39]A. A. A. Not in my name. You shan’t cause harm in my name as you can cause harm in your name. Are you really trying to trick a trade goddess? [/color]” replied Ashevelen with a grin. Oa kept a apathetic stare, before she said [color=#995580]“I said that…”[/color] she sighed before saying [color=#995580]“Fine if you don't wish for me to mention your side…”[/color] she then coughed a bit before saying again [color=#995580]“Ai Oa’qeisskesi aasua nahya keihukelua, sihuui ao naeilosaherelno takaise keacetak.”[/color] [b][i]“Could you translate that into the Common tongue since I shall be acting as the witness to this trade.”[/i][/b] Pyrrha chimed, walking closer to Oa with one eye changing color - to a goddess-gifted green. Desire with her emerald-eye peered through the truthful sight of her avatar, and spoke from afar. She smiled, happy to see Ashvelen again, and waved to the other goddess as she ascended the steps to the throne of Oa’queisskesi. Pyrrha the puppet climbed higher, like a child coming up the steps to their home cheerfully seeking the company of their parents. She was evidently seeking a peaceful solution instead of potentially fighting further. Oa’queisskesi stared at her, noticing the situation she then sighed again saying while putting her hand on her chest again. [color=#995580]“so be it… I Oa’queisskesi and my people, vow to maintain this pact by request of Ashvelen and… well now you.”[/color] she finishes turning to Desire with the same expression. Pyrrha/Desire did not adhere to proper etiquette - ever the defiant daughter of Anath Homura - and she stood beside Oa seated upon her throne despite any disdain or despair that appeared. She stretched out her hand, holding it out to Oa, offering something she could not say with words. The Hanged One recalled a promise from the past. Memories from her mother appearing in her mind. Oa seemed to hold out for a moment before offering her hand up to Pyrrha/Desire to shake. Desire & Pyrrha smiled as they held hands with Oa, and proclaimed. [b][i]“Let us clasp hands to physically symbolize our promise to each other.”[/i][/b] The words appeared upon a black mirror that the two-that-was-one showed to Oa, as the emerald eye of Desire became the darkest eye of Anath Homura, that was hidden from view by the white flower that had bloomed. Then the Creatrix was gone again and Desire or perhaps only Pyrhha remained, as her pair of eyes were their original ruby-red. Ashevelen bowed kindly to Desire before turning her head towards Oa. Her eyes started to glow yellow and in a loud voice that could be heard all over the palace and nearby country-side, in addition to everywhere in the Bazaar. “[color=aa6c39]So. Be. It. [/color]” Ashevelen’s eyes glowed even brighter, scalding the room in a blinding light. Her robes soon followed suit until Ashevelen was obscured by the light, a mortal would go blind from it, a divine would have to shield their eyes or otherwise look in a different direction. Such was the power she conjured. A full minute later, the glow started to fade. Ashe’s face could now be seen, skin looking a bit pale from the expenditure of power. “[color=aa6c39]Phew, that took a lot more power than I thought. Thank you, Oa, for giving me the opportunity to stretch these old “muscles”. [/color]” said Ashe, her voice was the usual calm but if one listened closely, they could understand it was fake. Ashevelen was tired. [color=#995580]“It was a pleasure, even though by my knowledge of politics I am sure this deal of ours will not be eternal… for things change even when we wish for them to stay the same and deals won't last forever with the same situation they were made.”[/color] Oa said leaning to the side resting her face on her hand after a moment of silence she then added aloud: [color=#995580]“speaking of change I recommend you two leaving…”[/color] "[COLOR=aa6c39]Dear Oa, nothing is eternal, not even us but…I will decide when to break this pact, if I will decide that. Visit my realm later if you want, I'm sure we can work out a deal. Now, one more thing before I go. [/color]" replied Ashe with a wink before turning to Pyrrha/Desire. "[COLOR=AA6C39]I believe my champion still has business to attend to with you, so, I'll leave them with you, make sure they don't die. Now, I have more pressing business. Ta-ta! [/COLOR]" and the moment she finished talking a tiny coin appeared in her hand which she made float towards Pyrrha. If Pyrrha would concentrate for a second or two on it, Penumbra would be summoned from the Bazaar and as soon as the coin reached Pyrrha, Ashe disappeared. Pyrrha turned her gaze towards Oa’queisskesi one last time as she prepared to leave, and she spoke with sorrow. [b][i]“I have always been bad at bidding farewell to those I think of as family. I’m the Hanged One, after all. We have our connection - our promise, Oa.”[/i][/b] Without further words, Pyrrha and the Penumbra-Coin, along with the Solar Steed and the Rat of Remembrance, all sailed away on Sunset-Orange, shooting forth like a shooting star across scarred skies. Surfing the Stria - she silently cried; two trails of sacred tears caressing the soft skin of her cheeks. Seeping sympathy. Always a cruel touch - the scars of compassion. [hider=Summary] Part 2 of [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5415222] This post[/url] Ashevelen appears and reminds Oa of the pact regarding the peace between their creations. This conversation continues, as gifts are exchanged and a new pact is made. Oa suggests that the others depart, and Ashevelen then leaves after mentioning further pacts/deals, followed by the departure of Pyrrha & her entourage. [/hider] [hider=Might] [b]Desire[/b] Spends 3 MP to resurrect the sanguine equis. Spends 2 MP to create the Solar Steed. Spends 5 AP to hang onto a memory of her mother, and to reenact it as a ritual. [b]Ashevelen[/b] Spends 4 MP to create “Light Eater” - an item which can consume light, vibrate at very high intensity and change its shape/size based on the user’s physiology or wishes. It’s indestructible by mortal means and can withstand a direct hit from a divine before breaking. Spends 1 MP to bind Light Eater to the will of Ashe and Oa. Making them the only two possible users of it ‘lest another divine spends power to be able to wield it. Spends 5 AP to bind Oa and her subjects to a non-aggression pact to Ashevelen, her subjects and any of her interests. For as long as Ashe wishes to as no time-limit was set in the contract, nor ways for Oa to break the contract or any loopholes. [/hider] [hider=Spirit] [b]Starting Spirit:[/b] 38 +1 Spirit - Appeared in the post +1 Spirit - Longer than 5k characters +1 Spirit - Longer than 10k characters +1 Spirit - Collab [b]Ending Spirit:[/b] 42 [/hider]