[b]GM Post[/b] [right][b]LEXCORP Facility // Gotham City Outskirts[/b][/right] They ran out of the facility, their silhouettes cast in the backdrop of the flames and the buildings. Their physical abilities seemed to not match their appearances, making jumps and flips that their bodies, fat and muscle distribution would deny. Under one of their arms was a briefcase-carrying what little data they had elected to keep before they had destroyed the facility. [right][b]STAR Labs Deep Space Labs // Ivy Town[/b][/right] The fat janitor tidied up as the facility burned before he realized it was time that he should be running away. Around the time he saw the blue spandex-wearing 'hero' that the people of this world idealized. He pulled a communicator out of his jacket, and his form shifted to his true one. There was a moment of panic as the man in the shiny helmet blocked his path, he passed straight through him phasing through. Once he was on the other side, he turned with his fist colliding the side of his face, before he then dropped through the floor.