[quote=@AriiBird] [@PerfectThought] Ah yeah, I did it kinda of hastily haha, I think too far ahead so some things get lost. I just laugh at myself so don't worry about offending me! How's this? I highlighted the changes in red (I'll remove the red once the character sheet is approved) [hider=Character Sheet][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OPPwz6h.png[/img][/center] [center][i]"We're the same, you and I. I'm your mouth and your my eyes."[/i][/center] [center]Names: [color=5f84b7][b]Areya Pierre[/b][/color] (left) & [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia Pierre[/b][/color] (Right) Species: Elvish + non-human Age: [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] is 21, [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] is ageless Gender: both are female [color=ee5e39]Magic: [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] -- Telepathy, possession [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] has no magic, she is only used as [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color]'s host.[/color][/center] [center]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [center][h1]Appearance[/h1][/center] [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] -- A small doll that has red hair and blue eyes. She was made to be Phynnia's height when she was nine (9) years old as Phynnia is unable to see clearly. She is then as short as 4'9" (roughly 144.8cm) and weighs about 63.9lb(28.58kg). [color=ee5e39]She has a few paint scratches and fading because of her past incidents, which also caused her to be unable to communicate.[/color] [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] -- A young woman in her early 20s. She has dark blonde hair and unknown colour of eyes. Her parents asked her to keep her veil over her eyes until the day she dies. She has respected their wishes and keeps it on. Her height is roughly 5'3" (160cm) and she weighs about 120lbs (54.4kg) [center][h1]Personality[/h1][/center] Both girls are quite reserved and not known to throw tantrums or speak loudly around others. They are not shy, they would just rather enjoy being with each other than having to be with others. They will make friends, but also keep them distant enough to not reveal too much about them. They are quite smart and know how to work around problems. [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] has more expressions than [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] (obviously because she can see and [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] cannot). She has learned a lot about the world and how expressions work. [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] is cheeky and can make a mess of herself. While she is reserved, she can be blunt and quite harsh towards others. She has a medical condition that makes her lack the emotion capability to feel pain, sadness, etc. The same medical condition also affects her [color=ee5e39]eyes, as now they look melted and disfigured.[/color] [center][h1]History[/h1][/center] [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] used to live in a town near Gloomminister. Her life was full of riches, which is why she was able to obtain [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] as her helper and, soon, a sister. She had many toys and dolls alike, but none could ever compare. One night, [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color]'s father comes home with a dejected look on his face. He sits down in a char, slumped. Her mother, the loveliest elf the young girl new, comes in asking the father, "What's wrong with you?" Her father slowly looks up at her. His eyes looked tired, and he had a white face. He only mutters, "We're bankrupt." After that, nothing was the same. [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] still had her parents, but they didn't look like they loved each other anymore. [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] had become a punching bag for a while, getting hit in the face (which is why she's unable to talk properly anymore). [color=ee5e39][color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] was very hurt and angry at her parents, which made her hide away in a forest nearby. The forest is well known for being kind of "strange". But [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] knew what was hidden in the forest. There was magic hiding in there, somewhere deep inside of it. These recent events made her want to go in deeper and deeper to hide away. Soon, she was deep enough to discover older elves using magic. Magic is born to elves, but it's not unlocked until they are taught to use their magic. Most don't bother with anything magic related, but small groups of elves were enjoying what they were gifted with. Once [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] discovered these elves, she asked if she could learn as well. [i]Maybe this can keep me distracted[/i] she thought to herself. The older elves agreed but only if she really wants to and how much she had to learn before being able to fully control it, since she is learning at such a late stage in her life. She agreed, only wanting something to fill the empty hole her parents gave. After a few years, [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] learned to use her magic. Her magic that she had kept hidden since birth was telepathy and possession. She learned she could have [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] be her eyes. Being able to possess a non-living thing is easier than being able to possess a living thing. [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] is the easiest to possess for [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] because they have a very tight bond with each other, almost like they are one being. [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] only uses possession when she's in danger, because [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] is much stronger than her. She uses telepathy to communicate with [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] as well. Even if she is non-living, she has the same emotions and thoughts from years of learning off others. She cannot be understood by anyone other than [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color]. The magic [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] has is based on bond and [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] is the biggest bond she has. She can still use her powers without a bond, but it's much harder and more exhausting if there is not some sort of connection.[/color] Eventually, [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] was able to attain acceptance to Gloomminister. [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] came along as an assistant to [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] (they can't be apart since that's the only way [color=c162a7][b]Phynnia[/b][/color] can see and do things.) [color=ee5e39]The reason she wanted to go was because of her previously mentioned late blooming situation. She started using magic in her early teens, so she has a lot of catching up to do. Luckily, she is very perspective and learns quickly, so she is at the stage that is high enough to be accepted. Because of her situation at home and the money she got from a low job, she could only afford the cheapest rooms available. She decided she would learn more about her born magic, so that she could become even closer with [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color]. Her parents and everything else in her past was forgotten eventually, and the only thing she now looked forward to was being with [color=5f84b7][b]Areya[/b][/color] in this new school.[/color] [/hider] [/quote] Looks great! I like how she learnt magic from fellow elf communities. As a side note It's Gloom[b]minster[/b], like West[b]minster[/b]. I've noticed that issue in multiple posts (not just yours). So I 'spect I probably called it Gloomminister somewhere by mistake and that plays better with autocorrect or something like that. Who knows. Other than that, looks good! Fell free to put her in the Characters tab! :)