Yasu's question was understandable. After all, curiosity was why Mel wanted the book in the first place. [color=a187be]"It should be fine to read. Relics are fairly inert without intent."[/color] Mel paused to recall something. [color=a187be]"If you feel enthralled by what you read or the book contains directions, put it down and stop thinking about it. Do not, under any circumstance, do what the book tells you to do."[/color] Niid's question was slightly less understandable. Asking Mel why she wanted a book was like asking a fisherman why they wanted a rod. She didn't need it, but she wanted it. Mel refrained from immediately calling him daft. [color=a187be]"If I knew what was in the book, I'd have less interest. Relics are usually quite old and tend to spawn from objects with history. Let's go with a chronicle of the past for now. I'll give you a full answer when it reaches my hands."[/color] Cam's question was the most critical out of all of them. Did they have to interact with Honest? [color=a187be]"I'll do you one worse. She'll be coming along with you. If this rumour found its way to me, then it likely found its way to some Hylics. Let Honest deal with any other parties who are interested in the book."[/color] Mel reached under her desk and fumbled around. After some time, she dragged out a metal suitcase and place it on top of her desk. [color=a187be]"If you don't wish to carry it, throw it at Honest and tell her to. If she tries to backtalk you, just tell her I said to do it."[/color]