[quote=@Expendable] [hider=Mia] [b]Name:[/b] Amelia "Mia" Sutton [b]Species:[/b] Half-human Battle Fury [hider=Battle Fury] - Predator Class - Toxin Warning - They look at first like a dark blue elf with silted eyes, until you see the black, bat-like wings and the talons. The bat-like ears go almost unnoticed. Retractable hollow incisors can inject a deadly poison, but sometimes get them confused for vampires. Really, their blood, sweat, and tears are capable of weakening a strong man on their own - it's strongly suggested you avoid contact and not share food or drinks with one. They are most notorious for flying above the battlefield and shrieking out their battle cries, which have been known to drive entire armies to such a fearful panic that they turn on each other. They also possess a glamor that allows them pass for human.[/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Sex/gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b] This girl puts you in mind of a lost and wandering spirit. She has droopy eyes the color of fresh green apples. Her thick, curly, black hair is neck-length and is constantly in need of a brush. She is tall and looks too skinny. She has bushy eyebrows, and her skin in human form looks incredibly pale. She wears a medical alert bracelet warning her blood should never be transfused into another person and of nasty skin allergies. [b]Personality: [/b] Mia seems very timid and hesitant, like a weak and scared kitten, it's easy to forget she's a dangerous predator. While her poison is weaker due to her mixed parentage, it's still hazardous. Dating is particular problematic. Wears a rain coat almost constantly in public, even on hot, sunny days with little risk of rain. Fortunately the liner allows for cold packs to be inserted. She's a bit of a loner, prefering books in isolated nooks. [b]History:[/b] When a weakened Lily Sutton showed up at Phalorm House, all questions about who the father was ceased when she gave birth to Amelia. It was clear the father was human, and only sought assurances that the body would not be found. Not that Lily was very clear about it, as she died soon afterward. Mia's been a ward of Phalorm House ever since, although there have been attempts to foster her with a Battle Fury family, mostly to avoid accidental poisonings among the staff and other wards. However, the battle fury families are usually put off by her timidity (and sensitivity to their stronger poisons). Still, she was a very good student, and is seeking placement in the univerity's witch programs to learn more about potions, poisons (antidotes), and magic. [/hider] [/quote] Looks good! Move her on into the characters tab. Interesting we only have female characters so far haha. Wonder why that is.