[center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/gAAVJpp.png[/img] [color=#4B8022] [h1] Edward Bennigan [/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [h3] [center] ~1440 | PARIS | FASHION SHOW VENUE [/center] [hr] [/h3] Indeed, the necromancer was far too concerned with the supernatural to bother with such trivial mortal affairs. Fool that he was to not recognize how the spirits could react; his attention was still focus on the now absent party. He hadn't even noticed he was alone, not that it bothered him. It wasn't until the emergence of vines that caught his attention. First to the spirits that had been consumed by flowers. His first thought was of rescue in truth. Passionate over the preservation of a soul, foolish as it may be in this world. Even be they wisps, all that meant was that he had to dispatch of them himself. No problem for a mage so overconfident in his ability. But whatever plan he had was cut short when vines emerged to target him. Close quarters was not his strong suit, and he was far from the more capable reapers in fitness. Still, his confidence didn't waver. [color=#4B8022] "Oho, You wish to claim my essence wisp?" [/color] Edward spoke with a hint of sinister glee. If nothing else, a good fight would let him show off how powerful he thought he was. He first attempted to evade the vines, drifting backwards as fast as he could to gain distance. In an attempt to slow down some of the vines, he had drew out one of his bone-filled, tied up bags out onto the closest vine; and once it reached its tip, spoke his spell. [color=#4B8022] "Rise and serve the master of death!" [/color] The bones within the bag at once became animate, protruding from the bag with sharpened bits. To his will, the bones assembled a crude net-like formation. The mass could only extend a 7 foot diameter, and lack of material had its gaps wide; he'd at least hope the it will slow ever so slightly the majority of the vines. Confident with the distance he gained, he'd draw out his staff; the gold ring on his finger shimmered as the black gem within sparked with electricity, until it morphed to his hand as his weapon. [color=#4B8022] "Witness my power!" [/color] Well, the staff wasn't [i]his[/i] power, but they didn't need to know that. Edward let out a cackle as electricity fired from its tip to the mass of vines, sustaining the duration of the lightning in hopes to achieve substantial damage.