A new set of thumps joined opposite of his, and the somewhat-familiar sound of Yvonne's breathing lockstepped his own. ... THUD. THUD. THUD. ... The door was resolute. Either its frame was very sturdy, or they had treated the wood with something. It did not look magical; he'd have still detected any magical shenanigans even with the piss soaked curtain draped over him. Abruptly, the second set of thuds stopped, but he kept hitting for a good two or three more body slams, before he felt something hit him in the back. Irritated beyond belief, he risked pulling the curtain down enough to see past it and turned his head to look over his shoulder, just in time to see the elf woman with a glowing purple arrow aimed at him. "[color=7bcdc8]AWWW FUCK![/color]" he shouted, before wrapping the curtain back over himself, then falling to the floor and rolling away from the door as hard and fast as he could.