[center][h1]Brown Cheeseman[/h1][/center] Brown grinned as Ambrose monologued. He closed his left eye and tilted his head slightly, observing him as he rambled. Brown considered offering up 'analogy' but decided against it in an effort to not seem like an ass. Suddenly Brown [i]sensed[/i] the energy bizzing off of his ling time bestfriend, he turned around scanning the crowd for Aleyn, upon seeing nothing he turned back around, just as his minute stature appeared from the crowd in his peripheral vision. A sharp prang on the back alerted him to his presence as his arm was pinned down by his mate leaning on him. His grin did not let up. Brown glanced down as Aleyn energetically dialogued. He responded quickly trying to keep up with his interrogation, before Aleyn could make up his mind on Ambrose. Most likely in a negative light. "Holy shit! The prodigal son returns! This is my new frie- acquaintance, Ambrose. And he's not even that big." He looked puzzled at Ambrose, unsure of the correct term, trying hoping it wasn't a social faux pas. He continued, "The festival's pretty good man. Me Ambrose, and Freya did this year's raft. It's almost midnight man. Pub busy?" He attempted to skirt around the girl question, hoping it would go unnoticed by his more outspoken entourage. [right][@Taka][@psych0pomp][/right]