[center][h3][color=00a651][u]Mitra[/u][/color][/h3][/center] Mitra was about to answer when the ghost shows up. And apparently recognizes him. Confusion creases his brow before he takes the worst possible choice - he brushes it off. Seems the ghost will explain 'later', though he doesn't appreciate her 'warning'. He's a fairly reasonable and hardworking individual, especially for someone who's for all intents and purposes soulless. He [i]could[/i]be a far worse and less reliable individual, he's heard the stories and knows he's walking a tightrope. And as for the comment about shooting someone... [color=00a651]"You've heard the expression 'don't shoot the messenger', yeah? Not many take it to heart. So I just have this to ensure I don't get shot more than [i]once[/i]. It's empty right now, see?"[/color] And he does open the barrels so this mystery lady and ghost can see for themselves. He only gives them enough time for that, though, as it sounds like his target's in trouble. If nothing else, he'll be in trouble if he fails to deliver this message. [color=00a651]"So, you're not Misty. I have a message for her."[/color] He nods towards the building. Abberline. Figures. So his target's not a regular human either. Abberline probably has bullets for her. They might be holy. [color=00a651]"I can take a shot or two, if that helps. Is she tainted?"[/color] He's not willing yet to put all his cards on the table, but he may as well find out the odds that the hunter is prepared for someone like him right now.