"Oh, a diagnostic panel?" the Orangutan smiles bemusedly. "A... new one?" Where had the fox found a 'new' diagnostic panel for a ship over sixty years old? "Uh, was this like still crated in some warehouse?" Karma pressed, absently putting the cleaning cloth in the pocket of her coveralls as she went to sit down. "I bet someone was happy to finally get rid of it, not like there's a lot of demand for sixty-year old tech. In the yards, if we had to work on one, we just refurbished it because of all the...." "Wait!" she paused in the act of sitting down, looking over at the captain in a panic. "You want me to swap out a Constellion-class diagnostic panel before we leave?!" The panel in Engineering was two meters tall and wide! She was looking at two days work, at least! Unless.... "Captain, is this like a universal diagnostic panel?" Since nobody was making the old diagnostic panels anymore, someone had the bright idea of making these large computerized displays that ran an emulator that you just plugged in. And they were cheap. Well, cheap-ish.