[center][color=6ecff6][h3]G A B R I E L[/h3][/color][/center] The twinkle in his eye disappeared, replaced by a slight twitch either from becoming slightly neurotic or slightly annoyed either way he was tired and out of breath, so madness wasn't that farfetched. Once the old crone finished, and spat on the floor like she cursed the very name she spoke a manic laugh escaped the bards mouth, there was a tear in his eye that he wiped away. He wanted to scream to the heavens and curse the gods, however his mind latched onto the name [i]Slack-Jawed Lorna[/i]. Taking a moment to collect himself, and keep himself from weeping uncontrollably Gabriel spoke up after taking a deep breath "[color=6ecff6]So you say some brigands up and lifted all your precious liquor?[/color]" although he had just met this old crone, and for all he knew she could be a man eating crone but all he cared about was getting a gods damned drink in this fucking shit hole of a swamp. "[color=6ecff6]My good woman, please tell me more of this Lorna. To take is very odd knowing what so far I know of the goings on in Prismeer.[/color]" oh he would love nothing more than to meet this Lorna and run her through with his rapier at that moment if it meant having something to drink. He was getting tired of running around a swamp without having some sort of buzz other than the buzz of mosquitoes.