It took Wendy a split second to cringe at the images being shown, like his body had to catch up with his mind but his disgust was genuine as far as he could tell. There was a lot of feelings that Wendy couldn't tell the legitimacy of nowadays. Working in a blissful ignorance on The Property let Wendell remove himself from the horrors of the world and now being confronted by them once more resulted in Wendy often times reacting to things as he [i]expected[/i] he should be reacting to them. This self reflection was cut short as Wendy realized he was day dreaming once more, too much introspection, and he snapped back to the meeting. "I wouldn't mind checking out the Bay." Wendy put forward as he followed up his statement with a swig from his coffee cup. This swig of caffeine made Wendy realize just how much he'd overestimated the attendance to this meeting. Assuming everyone here took a cup he'd still have almost half his haul left over. A waste of money for sure but what else would he spend it on really?