[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T3SrujO.png[/img][/center] [b]Location[/b]: Château de Maisons Gourmandise. [b]Event[/b]: The Rescue. [b]Characters[/b]: Ingrid [@dragonpiece], Zarina[@YummyYummy], NPCs [@Ti]. [hr] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/SaCheA6Njc4[/youtube][/center] The foul mountain of dung behind the neglected and weakened snowsweeper was like seeing how the soup was actually made. Any sort of appetizing aromas that came from the kitchens were quickly turned into stomach churning thoughts to Zarina. Wordlessly, she approached the tired and vulnerable beast, hesitant and careful at first, only to notice its lack of reaction. It was so easy for Zazzy to just rest her hand on the animal's dry snout and begin petting. Even with her chemical magic and direct contact, she could only muster a little moo from the beast. It really wasn't well. [color=C78A2C]“It'll be hard to get it to move.”[/color] she pursed her lips and then inspected the shelter. It was large and the doors were adapted like barn doors to be able to let such an animal in and out, so access wasn't the biggest problem. Then, she snapped her fingers, [color=C78A2C]“I might have something to help, however.”[/color] in her bag was a sealed vial of what looked to be a yellow-ish fluid, [color=C78A2C]“Oraff bless that boring class.”[/color] it was posed on a nearby surface for now, [color=C78A2C]“I'm going to open this when we leave,”[/color] she addressed Ingrid, [color=C78A2C]“make sure the chains are loosened and the shelter's doors jammed until we get back in. Don't want stay visitors here until then.”[/color] When they were done, the vial was opened and left that way. In contact with air, it began to unleash a steam that smelled of dandelions and garlic. Maura then informed them of their predicament, prompting Zarina to cross her arms and ponder the issue, [color=C78A2C]“They're gonna sing that anthem they can't help doing.”[/color] she remarked as men and women lined themselves for what was going to be Green Perrence's usual fanfare, [color=C78A2C]“How about we have our smallest teammate do a thing?”[/color] she peered over at her shoulder, and Nibbler emerged! He awkwardly raised his front right paw, trying to mimic a wave, although it would mostly be little up and down jerking motions, [color=C78A2C]“We need a route, however. And be fast, that way we can still serve them our "Snowsweeper at home" ploy.”[/color] Ingrid felt her head pulsing with anxiousness. This wasn't what she signed up for. She thought that there might be a the marquis and a few other midsized or small nobles. Not all of the high nobility Perrence had to offer. Even the King was here. [color=8882be][i]And here I am. The one to cook for them and put a vial of something unknown in their food. What if this is just a ploy? God damnit it would all fall on me.[/i][/color] Ingrid couldn't tell if this was all by design to put the heat on her but she sure wasn't risking it Ingrid put a hand on Maura's shoulder, [color=8882be]"Maura?"[/color] Ingrid squeezed her shoulder, [color=8882be]"I hate having to be so forceful but,"[/color] Ingrid glared down at Maura, [color=8882be]"What is in the vial you gave me and who is our sponsor."[/color] This was a demand, not a question. [color=8882be]"If they find out, I'm the one with the most to loose. I could be serving the king poison for all I know."[/color] Ingrid stated bluntly. She wasn't a fan threatening others but this was insane to do without all the details. Maura flinched as she felt Ingrid grab a hold of that sore shoulder. Even though it was repaired, it was still sensitive and tender. She felt how she held tight upon it as she gave a howl of pain, pushing herself backwards to dislodge herself. She looked up toward her as she met that gaze, she saw [b]him[/b] there again at that moment. Another noble who saw her as a tool to mistreat, threaten, and to see her as nothing but an invalid stuck to their shoe like muck. The urge to go [i]¡Al carajo con esto![/i] was almost overwhelming as her eyes looked up to see Zarina’s to gauge to see if this was something shared. She took a moment to breathe, closing her eyes. She has got this, she has worked so hard to get to this point and not going to allow it to fall down at the last hurdle. Her eyes looked back up to Ingrid, [color=C0C0C0]“There’s a difference between fear and losing your nerve.”[/color]. Her tone was cool as her eyes flicked between the pair. [color=C0C0C0]“It was the both of you who asked for this, and we have made it possible. We have the support, the contacts, everything to see this through. Our backers request discretion, and that vial has been in your possession all week if you had any concerns, so the only poisoning that would occur would be your terrible cooking.”[/color]. She took in a deep breath, then finishes off, [color=C0C0C0]"We don't all have the luxury of deciding when and where we want to care about something."[/color] Maura looked Ingrid up and down as she started considering Plan B, she examined the dress she was wearing, clearly not for her, but maybe... [color=C0C0C0]“If you want out of this, take off your dress and glasses. Idun can replace you, we doubt they would be looking at her face.”[/color] She followed up with a statement of contempt, [color=C0C0C0]“If you’re a coward, just say so. Don’t take it out on me.”[/color] Ingrid didn't squeeze Maura's shoulder terribly hard. Enough to make Ingrid seem firm but definitely not enough to hurt her. Ingrid jumped a bit at the howl. The gave Maura gave Ingrid made her hesitate. She wasn't looking at Ingrid. More like what she represented. It was a stare she got used to, one that she learned to fear after her time with the Traveller. Ingrid let Maura say her peace before responding. Ingrid's expression went cold, deathly even, [color=8882be]"If you want to view me as a noble trying to trample you, go ahead. I know my intentions and if you want to misconstrue them than so be it."[/color] Ingrid took another breath, she was insulted 3 times by Maura. [color=8882be]"Maura. Whether you care or not, do not insult me,"[/color] Ingrid said clearly, [color=8882be]"If I'm going to risk my life. I want to know more. I'm the one cooking for them. I'm the one who could be putting poison in their food."[/color] The way things were going did not leave Zarina with a pleased expression. Her facial features became more pronounced as her muscles tensed up and her jaw locked. Although Zarina was going to abstain and let this issue peter out on its own, the look Maura had given her and Ingrid's sudden flip-flopping when royalty officially entered the picture, [color=C78A2C]“The notion of poisoning someone did not seem to be of concern until royals came into the picture,”[/color] a half-lidded gaze reeking of judgement was shot at Ingrid, [color=C78A2C]“Leads one to question why one would assist in such an altruistic endeavor when oddly specific on who may die and how it affects one's reputation.”[/color] she too stood tall and straight, with steam practically erupting from her nostrils, [color=C78A2C]“Besides, the De Perpignan may as well be considered royalty. I don't know what's changed other than a more glamorous name appearing.”[/color] Her attention briefly returned to the Snowsweeper's shelter outside, prompting Zazzy to purse her lips and clench one of fists, [color=C78A2C]“You also forget Maura, a Torragonese, is publicly sponsoring us.”[/color] she took a step closer to Ingrid, peering up slightly as the Eskandish was a few centimeters taller, [color=C78A2C]“If you fall, she falls, and so do I as a Virangish AND Darhannic. So, obviously, this isn't some ploy to poison anybody.”[/color] but was this convincing enough? They didn't have time to discuss, and so Zarina pulled out her hand flat before Ingrid, [color=C78A2C]“Give me the vial, I'll take a raw sip from it to ease everyone's worries. If I fall dead, at least you have an opening to get this done.”[/color] Ingrid felt cornered. She felt, no knew, her concerns were reasonable. Instead she was called a bad cook, a coward, and told to strip. Then Zarina with her argument of poisoning one a marquis over a king. Yes, Ingrid worried about poisoning the person who warned her own king of an assassination. Was that hard to believe? When Zarina got closer, Ingrid drew, [color=8882be]"I ask you to stay back at the moment."[/color] How was Ingrid suppose to trust them. She had half a mind to sell them out to get escape this. Her basic worry and concern were being treated as cowardice. She hated the way they treated her. She tossed the vial at Zarina. Ingrid was close to tipping over the edge. Maura just stared in amazement at Ingrid, now she is jeopardizing the mission and nothing short of a liability. Drawing magic when surrounded by the Gardes Perrençaises was tantamount to suicide. The plan was simple: escort the beast to the lake, cook some beef and pretend it is Snowsweeper. The difficulty of the task was relatively low and the survivability with little consequence was high, and yet these were reversed within moments due to a noble losing their nerve when it came to following through. She looked toward Zarina, [color=C0C0C0]“Cannot say for the taste, but there is enough to cook a Snowsweeper’s worth of beef. Salt isn’t poisonous, though if you eat a cup of it raw…”[/color], she indicated only a sip for obvious reasons. Maura turned to Ingrid. [color=C0C0C0]“At no point have we ever discussed poisoning the King. Is it because we are Torragonese? Is it because we are a Merchant class girl thinking of nothing but money? Is it your [b]own[/b] guilty conscience?”[/color]. She rubbed her temples with the stress as she tried her best to dumb court intrigue for the Eskandish girl. [color=C0C0C0] “Just… think. Use that imagination of yours. Who would be powerful enough to bring us here for this opportunity to allow us to steal a Snowsweeper at the King’s Banquet, right underneath their noses.”[/color], giving her the most hopeful look at this supposed intellectual heavyweight could piece together something so simple. She looked toward Zarina, as if posing the question to her in order for it to be answered if Ingrid happened to fail. Zarina did not show any hesitation in taking that sip. It was followed with a gag, but she swallowed, [color=C78A2C]“Fucking nasty,”[/color] she brushed her lips with her sleeve, [color=C78A2C]“but harmless.”[/color] the vial was once again sealed and tossed back at the Eskandish protestor, [color=C78A2C]“Now that this issue is settled, may we proceed?”[/color] she inquired, clearly frustrated and looking at both the tall and the short. [color=C78A2C]“Whether we have powerful people on our side or not, I'm going to cover my ass.”[/color] claimed Zarina, still chewing nothing in her mouth to try and get over the rancid taste, [color=C78A2C]“Now, enough pussy-footing when things get [i]slightly[/i] more intimidating. I want to get this animal out tonight.”[/color] a half-hearted attempt to diffuse the situation, [color=C78A2C]“Bitch away when we're done. Your prides come third to our goal and my ringed fist up your asses.”[/color] Ingrid had enough of this. The insults, the disregard of her worries. All of it was wrong. Ingrid looked at Maura. [color=8882be]"I have tried to remain civil. I have tried to not insult you even when you take every opportunity to do so. If I treated you the way you like the person you think I am, then you would long be dead,"[/color] Ingrid stated it clearly, [color=8882be]"But I'm not. I let you insult me, belittle me, mock me for having a thought."[/color] Ingrid was seething, she was angry that she was treated this way. [color=8882be]"The Eskandish are mocked for who they are all the time and you think that you can't be corrupted, that I won't ask questions? You think I don't want to safe the animal of [b]my[/b] homeland? Maura I swear to you that I am here for the beast." [/color]Ingrid thoughts were hazy at this point. She was restraining herself from action. Was Ingrid so unthreatening, so weak, so stupid for the both of them to make fun of her. She was no longer to be messed with. Ingrid looked to Zarina, [color=8882be]"The fact that you think this being the King's banquet only slightly raises the stakes is absolutely absurd. The fact that you didn't question it is preposterous."[/color] Ingrid rubbed her temples, she was done with this, [color=8882be]"Enough,"[/color] Ingrid said, she was tired of this. All the fighting had been enough, [color=8882be]"I will do my part."[/color] Ingrid started to head off. Her expression was cold and she didn't give the most confidence to them. Maura looked toward Zarina as she raised an eyebrow toward her as Ingrid stormed off by herself [color=C0C0C0]“Saving the Snowsweeper, [i]mi culo[/i]. Her indolence is transparent. As soon as she faces any hardship, she crumbles.”[/color]. She sighed out in an almost defeated manner, [color=C0C0C0]“Our sponsors wanted our little rescue to go unnoticed for obvious reasons. If they find out there is even an attempt, it would be disastrous for all parties.”[/color] She looked toward Zarina, [color=C0C0C0]“You are now in charge, we will send in Idun to assist you.[i]¡Buena suerte![/i] Zazzy [i]¡Suerte en tu nuevo trabajo![/i]”[/color]. She handed the Virangish girl a pouch containing five six-sided dice within it, another gift. Zarina dismissively gestured at Maura's complaint, [color=C78A2C]“Let her get worried, she'll be twice as careful doing her job.”[/color] she said with clear indifference to the situation, as it had been resolved and the main goal could be properly focused on. A nod was conferred to Maura as the good lucks were given and Idun joined the process. The dice made Zarina chuckle, now reminded of who was truly involved here. The two would meet just outside the kitchens as Zarina prepped her knives for the coming carving slaughter and butchering. By then the animal should've been reinvigorated and at least standing, [color=C78A2C]“When they start singing and the King makes his entry for the aperitif, I will cause a distraction. It'll be your signal to open the gate and escort the beast through the pathing we've established, okay?”[/color] Zarina briefed without a single pause in her speaking, and she did not repeat herself. When came the time, Zarina pretended to make her way to the shed for the slaughter, but in truth she found herself stopping half-way in order to pilot Nibbler. The little critter had hopped onto the roof of a nearby building and eyed the patrol of Perrench guards that were in the way of of their planned trajectory. Using the dormouse's intense chemical magic and decent prowess in arcane, a powerful illusion was conjured to trick the guards. One of their commanders called for them, warning of an imminent threat at the entry ceremony. The ruse wouldn't last long, but the group was banking on Idun's chemical abilities and overall capabilities as an animal lover. Nibbler remained on standby to help too, ready to go as far as to create a difficult illusion to hide the snowsweeper, and then the cart with the meat. Ingrid was pissed but it didn't matter, let that anger move her forward. She headed into the kitchen again, pretending that she had to step out to cool down and she started to work with the rest of the crew. [color=8882be][i]I need to keep them busy when the time comes.[/i][/color] Ingrid thought that trying to take over the kitchen should be the last response. The chefs were respectable so the best thing to do was to smash them with responsibilities when the operations. From the speed of her chopping, to blocking them slightly as she moved them about Ingrid was creating a backlog of duties that will occupy even the most talented crew for a few minutes. Each action was made purposeful. She refrained using magic but readied herself to use it when the backlog hit to slow it down further. The chaos of the kitchen gave her mind no time to wander but something did come to her mind. The image of Maura and the way she was offended. Her nose wrinkled as she wiped it away with her arm. She whispered, [color=8882be]"fuck,"[/color] as she realized fully what she did as the stress was fading giving way to focus. All she could do is complete her part perfectly right now. Idun had never worn platform shoes before, and the concept was rather alien to her, but here she was, making do as she dressed up like a terrible cosplay of Ingrid. With makeshift glasses and similar coloured dress. Her mind was unclear on the details, but Madame Rose Bleue had instructed her to join the others in the Château, seeing the pair by the rose bush as instructed. She started to walk alongside Zarina as they started making their way toward the Shed. Her bountiful chest kept attention focused elsewhere than her cooking skill. She had been given her instructions from the Virangish girl. The Snowsweeper has been made docile through unknown means, and an expert chemical mage was required. Her task was rather simple, to make sure the beast is able to make it toward the lake whilst the others do their part. She laid her hand upon the best's head as she began to pet upon it, sensing that the garlic and dandylion elixir were starting to rouse the creature from its deep slumber as she coaxed it to life as she sung her call beside its ear. [color=green]”Now for that whistle…”[/color] As Green Perrence finally echoed through the whole establishment, signaling the arrival of the King, Zarina whistled a pleasant little tune as she made her way to the shed. This was the warning for Idun to execute her part of the plan. Zarina opened one side of the shed, while they were to improvise a door on the back, courtesy of Idun too with her specialty in binding, preventing any potential witnessing from being a problem. As Zarina stepped in, she'd actually sit nearby and begin to pilot Nibbler so he could follow-up with the next part of the plan. Thorin was the backup, using his Thunderchild capabilities to knock hostiles out if the plan was found out prematurely. The Ingrid-cosplayer gave a giggle as she opened up the back of the shed as a big Snowsweeper shaped bush started to walk out. It is not the best disguise, but such a make-shift cover is the best she could do in these circumstances. The beast looked more alive and well, having an aroma of garlic to it as it paid Nibbler a curious glance. It watched as the dormouse climbed upon it, as it proceeded to move forward. Idun holds her hand out in front of it's eyes to instruct it to stop, she turned toward Zarina for the next instruction. Nibbler on behalf of Zarina started to point out the direction when the hedges started to move as if responding to the increased presence of magic. They stayed still after the magic energies have failed, but they appeared to completely obscure the exit. The Snowsweeper groaned softly at the situation, as the outside sides were patrolled by the Gardes Perrençaises. They would need to travel through successfully to get there safely. With Nibbler taking the bushy Snowsweeper as his steed, he could get a good vantage point and better place himself on the metaphysical map budding in his head. Of course, it wasn't Nibbler but Zarina piloting him with her [i]slightly[/i] longer range than normal. For now, she was given peace by the establishment's staff to do her slaughtering and carving without interruption. Hopefully the exchange could be made swiftly enough to avoid arousing any suspicion. Ingrid was the cover to prevent them from being made. There were three entry points to choose from, with Thorin indicating that the furthest North was the best bet. They did so, taking alleyways big enough for the animal to pass through to avoid detection whilst Nibbler sniffed out potential threats and concealed them. Eventually, they meet a fork that left Nibbler confused. As to why he was could be anyone's guess, but the reality was that Zarina was distracted from a call by the Perrench chef. "Ca va mademoiselle? Il est éteint?" [color=C78A2C]“Uhhh, oui. Il mort.”[/color] answered Zarina with broken Perrench, [color=C78A2C]“Bougez de ici, très sale!”[/color] she warned of the hazards that came with butchering, and so the chef simply stepped back. She eventually returned to piloting the Dormouse, having lost them some time but they were on the right track again. The Real-Ingrid, despite her misgivings, decided to cooperate with the others as she has begun to start a backlog in the kitchen for the other staff members to manage, which appeared to be going perfectly. She looked out of the window as she noticed what appeared to be a large-chested doppelgänger seeming to lead a Snowsweeper sized bush toward the hedge maze, which appeared to move and distort as if responding to something. They were going to take forever. It is as if the gods at that moment came to test Ingrid and her speaktrout. [b]“Putain, c'est dégueulasse! Oh, viens ici toi! Tu te torches le cul à chaque fois ou une fois par semaine? Alors pourquoi ce n'est pas propre?!”[/b] [i]t's disgusting! Oh, come here you! Do you wipe your ass each time, or just once per week? Then why is this not clean?![/i]. A very angry, short chef appeared to be walking up and down the kitchen looking at the mess that had been made. [b]"Aller, bougez-vous le cul, bordel!"[/b] [i]Come on, move your asses![/i] He cussed and cursed as he got a towel and whipped one of the servant girls with it across her hind quarters as he swore vulgarly at them as he clutched upon his chest. [b]"Les chats ont neuf vies. J'en ai eu déjà douze dans cette cuisine et je ne sais pas combien j'en ai en réserve."[/b] [i]They say cats have nine lives. I've had 12 already in this kitchen and I don't know how many more I'll have.[/i] The man’s attention turned toward Ingrid as he sees her looking out of the window. Thankfully, the girls tall frame blocked sight of the display going on behind them. [b]"Le Snowsweeper sera tellement cru, il va meugler au Roi!"[/b] [i]That Snowsweeper is going to be so raw, it will moo at the King[/i]. The pressure is on. They are wanting that Snowsweeper cooked. Ingrid's cascade was in effect but oh god they were slow. It didn't matter though, Ingrid said she would hold them up and she will make sure of that. The real problem was the short chef, he was bound to try to make his way outside. Ingrid devised many ways to deal with him and most of them originated from the overwhelming desire to slap him across the face. He treated his staff so harshly. Maybe she could use that to her advantage. Ingrid looked at the short chef, obviously looking down at him, the visibly got startled, [color=8882be]"Åh, ursäkta kära kock! Du ser att jag är ganska ny i köket och alla skrik gör mig lite nervös. Men jag försäkrar er att vår slaktare är fantastisk. Hon hade slaktat alla möjliga djur över tvillingkontinenterna. Jag har haft snösvejare tidigare och instruerat hur man klipper den också, med hennes skicklighet kommer hon att kunna skicka slaget om några minuter och sedan bryta ner det,"[/color] Ingrid said in Eskandish, drawing on her thick accent. Then she smiled expecting him to understand, giving him a thumbs up! All part of the plan to to confuse him and get him to stay. The short-chef just peered toward Ingrid with a look, a look that symbolized someone waltzing in from the garden after treading dog muck through his beloved kitchen. [b]“Mon dieu! ça me saoûle”[/b] [i]My gods, this makes me get drunk[/i] The chef now really frustrated is starting to take over the kitchen himself as he writes Ingrid off as an incompetent fool. He started to micromanage things, beginning to re-order to things as they prepare for the Snowsweeper meat coming through the doors. [b]”Oh la vache!”[/b] [i]Oh the cow![/i], he sent a maid to see what is taking Zarina so long. Idun follows the direction of the Dormouse as it led the Snowsweeper by the nose, literally. The big beast stumbling along in the direction, only momentarily stopping as and when they spot the Perrench patrols. Idun had to use chemical magic to help the beast recognize them as friends rather than foes, which kept making the maze more challenging as it responded to the use of magic. One point the motley crew getting temporarily trapped and even poor Nibbler getting confused. Still, they eventually managed to make their way through to the exit as they waited upon the banks of the open lake. It was a beautiful scenery which stretched for miles. Nibbler started to grow rather anxious as it appeared they were waiting for nothing until he noticed the ripples from the water. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Fa2cvEN.png[/img][/center] The Schwarze Alice pulls itself out of the depths as water runs along the side of it, the clockwork-powered submersible pulled itself upon the bank as the cargo bay doors start to open up as the girl in the wheelchair pulled off the ramp. [color=C0C0C0]“Surprise!”[/color] As she rolls out, expecting Zarina, Ingrid, or anyone with her showy display, only to be met by Idun who travelled here on it, Nibbler the rodent, and the Snowsweeper rather nonplussed. She looked upon them in disappointment, [color=C0C0C0]“My entrance wasn’t that terrible”[/color], she moved herself to the side as the Torragonese Beef was unloaded, already prepared in advance by Thorinn and frozen to keep fresh. Room on the Alice was made for the Snowsweeper’s arrival with some delicious hay to lay upon and oats for it to eat, [color=C0C0C0]“Thorinn, deliver the beef and get back here, so we can depart. The other two can get their own ride back. Tell them to meet the Dock Foreman, he has destination in Eskand for them.”[/color] The Snowsweeper reluctantly is brought on board, persuaded by Idun with a fair use of magic. Thorinn with his pint-sized new rodent friend will have to deliver the beef and get out of there safely to avoid anyone getting suspicious. Well Ingrid felt she did good at frustrating the little chef and buying some time. Ingrid knew that he would take some control over the kitchen so she made herself more of a nuisance by speaking very broken perrench. Nothing made the proud Perrence angrier than a barbarian speaking their language so ugly. And a barbarian Ingrid was, she got in the way of people by "helping out." She apologized profusely as she got in the way of the people doing there best. she ended it with accidently spilling some oil on an open fire right as he was sending the maid. Ingrid apologized profusely and said it might be best for her to get the snowsweeper, since she was making such a mess. Ingrid walked out in what seemed like a hurried pace but was actually moving to her plan to give them as much time as possible. Surely no one would want to go with the walking tornado that Ingrid was. Especially if she might be dispatching the beast with that backward virangish girl. Nibbler suddenly became more like himself, as Zarina was not only quite far but her 'husk' was awakened by knocking at the shed. Panicked, she began shouting, [color=C78A2C]“Oi, OI! What is it?!”[/color] her blades were brushing against one another, making loud sharpening noises, [color=C78A2C]“Don't open the door! I'm in the middle of curing the meat. If you need anything, I'll slip it through the small opening.”[/color] she spoke of the boarded window that barely gave line of sight to anything. The smell of the shed reeked of garlic, making it maybe a bit more convincing to the maid that she was indeed working the meat in some capacity. Meanwhile, Nibbler didn't have Zarina's mind guiding him, but he was still the dutiful Nibbler. Standing on top of the carriage that held the meat, he stood guard and used his range to potentially detect threats. When he did, he squeaked loudly for Thorinn to react. Admittedly, there was little suspicion when meat was being carried around unlike a Snowsweeper, but it was still good to avoid attention. Thorinn grunted as he was being led around by a rat, of all things. The creature perched upon the tip of the wheelbarrow stacked up with the Torragonese beef. The warm weather was defrosting the meat as it was transported in order for it to arrive at a suitable temperature. Without needing to keep the Snowsweeper docile, the bushes remained rather stationary, making it easier to transverse through the maze set before them. Thankfully, everything was being kept busy in the kitchen to avoid needing to explain away the muscled blonde Eskand man, and the interruptions orchestrated by Ingrid involved her missing out on a sight for her eyes as well. The knocking at the door grew insistent that Zarina thought they were going to try to force themselves inside. As she opened the door, the brutish hands of the short-chef grabbed upon the handle and tried to pry the door past the Virangish girl to see what was going inside. A sudden jolt was shot through the handle, causing the chef to curse out repeatedly as he released the handle. [b]“Branleuse!”[/b]. Zarina turned her head to see Thorinn standing there with the beef and a squeaking Nibbler as she took a hold of the first slab of meat, bringing it out to slap it down upon one of the kitchen maids. She turned toward the chef with a wink, [color=C78A2C]“Le Snowsweeper est prêt à péparer!”[/color]. The chef turned toward her with a disgusted look, [b]“Tu parles prennçais comme une vache Tourrare”[/b] As the meat is coming into the kitchen, Ingrid moves to take charge of the shipment. She gets to work with her preparations as she starts to slice, dice, and get things in order. As the short chef comes storming in, he is bowled over by the size of the Eskandish girl as he ends up falling out of the door again, and starts to strut around to the other entrance. Zarina and Ingrid have some time for the home run whilst Thorinn makes his way back. Are they able to prepare the ‘Snowsweeper’ to the satisfaction of a king? It seems things worked out. The Snowsweeper had been saved and now Ingrid was tasked with cooking the beef. Ingrid cooked a piece of the beef on a hot pan. Only a little bit of salt to draw it out. She was comparing it to her memories of Snowsweeper. The fat was luxurious and coated the mouth with that signature beefy flavor that. Not as gamey or grassy notes as snowsweeper but in turn had a mellow, nuttier flavor. It was more tender and lacked a certain chew that Snow sweeper had. A beautiful meat for sure but not snowsweeper. She cut a piece of the meat off and tried it raw and it had more or the grassy notes and that nuttiness was nowhere to be found, it must be more pronounced with the intense searing. That gamey funk could be added in with a few simple ingredients to add to the braise. She knew what she needed to modify on the side of the beef. She tried some meads and ales along with some wine to find what she would braise it in. Tasting it after boiling made it more apparent what it will taste like after. Ales might be traditional but the king would definitely prefer wine. A sweet wine would almost be overpowering so she chose a drier red wine to pair with it. There was a 100 ways to cook torragonese beef, it was versatile and more tender. Ingrid would have loved to serve it in a way that let it shine brightly but this was "Snowsweeper" and it needed to be braised. The stock was made of good beef bones, carrots, celery, onions, parsley and many spice berries. Along with some pig skin and chicken wings to give that thick glossiness to the sauce later. From her sleeve outcomes a small vial to give the meat that toughness. After doing only a light sear to start to get the needed color. Separate vegetables were prepped to make it pretty and they would be browned by themselves. Ingrid finished making the butter, it was cultured and had a tang to it that made it addicting to eat. Normally you would only serve up to 10 people but with this being a feast, multiple cuts had to be used and their minerality, fat, and sweetness varied so would the cooking time of each bit. Ingrid had to sense each one and do small pushes and gentle control with Arcane to make every piece as good as it needed to be. Frankly fighting the Aberration crazed Royal Sand Wyrm was less taxing and significantly less stressful than trying to trick the upper end of Perrench nobility. But Ingrid had this. She needed to. She made a blunder and let the increased stakes get to her and lashed out at Maura. She could have got them caught right there. She needed to perform well. Plating was something she practiced all week before hand. She knew she was good but this was the King. It needed to be phenomenal. Ingrid was solely focused as when it was finished, she wiped away the sweat and let the maids take it. All she could do now was hope that her skills were up to the challenge. The Bourguignon is being served out towards the lord and ladies of Perrench. The rich aroma filled the air as the notoriously tough meat was made tender and appeared to be the closest to how it could be, falling apart upon the plate. Some of the tougher pieces were being served to those with the teeth to bite through the tough flesh. As the pigeons flew out of the pies, the main dish arrived before many a still wet appetite. The short-chef belatedly moved to take one of the dishes, taking it from the serving girl. His fingers dived upon the plate as he took a chunk of the meat, chewing upon it repeatedly. [b]”Pouffiasse!”[/b], he swore and spat out the chunk of fakesweeper as he headed over to the Marquis urgently as he pushed over another one of the maids. [color=7b5c00]“The taste of the Snowsweeper is truly the most exquisite…”[/color], the attention of the Marquis was taken away whilst his staff happened to start interrupting his serenading of the King. He turned as he made his apologies, moving back the chair as he went toward the man to usher angrily toward him, [color=7b5c00]“Salaud, you are embarrassing me in front of the King, what could be so important?”[/color] [color=d4af37]“Perhaps we have the opportunity to eat before it gets cold.”[/color] Étienne dipped his fingers into the stew as he plucked out a tender piece of beef, throwing it into his mouth as he chewed upon it. [color=d4af37]“Mh, delicious”[/color]. The Duc turned his gaze as he glared toward his son, [color=ffb800]“Do you dare to dishonour yourself in front of the King?”[/color]. King Rouis glanced between them both, [color=0072bb]“The meal is best served warm. Help yourselves before we are waylaid further by discourse.”[/color] The Marquis hurried toward the King, [color=7b5c00]“My King, the Snowsweeper…”[/color], [color=0072bb]“... is as good as you claimed.”[/color]. King Rouis wiped his fingers upon the Napkin. [color=0072bb]“We were concerned about your choice of chef, we must put greater faith into your judgement.”[/color]. The Marquis mouth dropped agape, unclear on how to respond. [color=d4af37]“The Marquis is most humble, he wanted the honour…”[/color], the Marquis grimaced at the Perpignan brat and interrupted him promptly. [color=7b5c00]“.. all the staff that have made it possible here at Château de Maisons Gourmandise…”[/color] The things in the Kitchen did not go as well, as Ingrid and Zarina are almost hauled outside to the shed, but the Marquis. Evidence of their deception was laid bare as clear as a shining summers' day, the lack of anything related to the butchering of the creature being absent. [color=7b5c00]“Putain de bordel de merde, you two thought you would be the death of me. You Garces forced my hand to the king.”[/color] He raised his hand sharply to strike down the girls as they stood in shock as a scream is suddenly heard behind him, he turned sharply as he witnesses Frédérique looking on, [color=FFD700]“Monster! You deceive the King and you try to cover for your crimes!”[/color]. The Marquis’s eyes bulged as he charged toward her like a bull, his fat fingers grasping her by the neck. [color=7b5c00]“You pute! You are in on this as well!”[/color]. The pair looked on as he was going to choke the noble girl in front of them. Before they had chance to act, the door next to them flew inwards as a very angry Étienne has his rapier drawn as he pointed it toward the Marquis, the tip slicing through his shirt as blood is drawn from the red welt. The pudgy noble moving back away from the boy, squealing like a pig. [color=7b5c00]“Help! Help! They are trying to kill me!”[/color]. The Gardes Perrençaises entered through the door as they looked toward Ingrid and Zarina menacingly, then toward the two nobles. They raised their muskets toward the pair. The Marquis started to laugh as he grinned evilly toward him. [color=7b5c00]“You thought you can treat me here like this? You shall learn the true meaning of humility, de Perpignan.”[/color], and spat toward him. The Gardes firm in their position, clocking their muskets ready to fire. It was Frédérique who moved first as she got her handcloth, and wiped away the spittle from Étienne’s features. The Marquis looked toward her puzzled as the boy started to smile as le commandant came in and moved toward the Marquis, roughly pushing the man against a supporting pillar, and bound him together. [color=7b5c00]“What is this? Wait until King Rouis hears about this! He will be most…”[/color] [color=d4af37]“... Pleased. I am sure Johann the Pious and King Horik will share those sentiments as well. Criminal.”[/color] He withdrew the rapier as he took the hand cloth, moving toward the former Marquis as he stuffed it into his mouth like he was a pig with an apple. The Gardes Perrençaises dragged him out as he squealed fruitlessly. Étienne turned to look toward Ingrid and Zarina, [color=d4af37]“Payment has already been delivered. I hope I don’t need to state your discretion in this matter.”[/color]. He raised an eyebrow toward Ingrid, and Zarina, then provides the Virangish girl a warm smile as he hands her a blue rose. [color=d4af37]“There is a carriage at the entrance when you are both ready to depart.”[/color] Elsewhere… [center][i] La vaca, moo La vaca, moo La vaca, moo La nieve vaca, moo La vaca, moo La vaca, moo La vaca, moo La nieve vaca, moo [/i][/center] Maura sways side to side in her chair, clapping as Idun dances excitedly in a seductive Eskandish style of dance. Even the Snowsweeper is bobbing his head to the side, joining in on the chorus with an almighty Moooooo! Thorin turned toward the woman, [color=cyan]"You held your end of the bargain. We will hold onto ours. The Snowsweeper reservation will be under the protection of the King Horik directly, Madame Rose Bleue”[/color]. [color=009fff]”Blue Rose, and please, it is thanks to their hard work.”[/color], she smiled widely toward him. [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Eskandish Snowsweeper Reservation[/center][hr] It was sometime when the opportunity for everyone to assemble together at the Snowsweeper Reservation came. Some came via Dragon flight, and others through other means. Maura smiled as she saw Ingrid and Zarina approach, [color=C0C0C0]“Welcome to our Big Furry Friends home!”[/color]. She held her hands out for them to take in the scenery. A wide open space with mountains that provided a natural enclosure. Plenty of snowgrass and other wild vegetation for the Snowsweepers to eat here. After their eyes have looked around, she adopted a more serious expression. [color=C0C0C0]“If you are here for the money. Here it is. 50 Magus each, as promised payment from the Marqius.”[/color], she looked toward the pair as two hefty bags were sat upon her lap, [color=C0C0C0]”... or if you are willing to forgo payment, there is an alternative you may be interested in. What do you choose?”[/color] Zarina, wearing a bulky coat in anticipation for Eskand, was pleasantly surprised to find a more mild climate. Witnessing the beautiful landscape and the growing herd of Snowsweepers safely indulging in their new safe haven, she was briefly distracted from what Maura was saying. Then, she shook her head back to reality as Maura beckoned her attention with a query, [color=C78A2C]“Oh.”[/color] she blinked, peering at her wheelchair-bound friend, [color=C78A2C]“I'm all ears.”[/color] her eyes, though, were mostly dedicated to the sights. The dragon ride was fun. Riding with Zarina not so much. But as they got closer to her homeland, Ingrid grew more energetic and much more talkative as they flew over places she has been to or read up on. Ingrid was dressed in a summer dress for the time, the cold breeze breathing life into her. She looked at the payment of 50. It was such a small some that even a sweater might as well be worth it, [color=8882be]"I'm open to alternative options."[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0BhlOQ2.png[/img][/center] Maura gave them both a wink as she beckoned them after her as she led them toward the barn where the Snowsweepers sleep for the night. It was a large, impressive looking structure which appeared to be recently renovated with extension work still in progress. [color=C0C0C0]”You have both come at a good time. The reservation are looking for ways to continuously raise revenue, and they have just started an adoption programme. It turns out, for 50 Magus each, you would be allowed to ‘adopt’ a Snowsweeper. These adoptions include a personalized certificate, letters updating you on the progress, and even a cuddly toy made of your Snowsweeper to take home with you. As you are both the first… you get to name your chosen one.”[/color] As they opened the door and walked inside, five little Snowsweepers start scurrying over them to them excitedly. Two boys and two girls, and a little runt of a Snowsweeper trying to catch up behind them. Maura smiled widely at the precious side of them as they run over toward them. [color=C0C0C0]“Oh, we are so adopting that little one and calling it Ayla!”[/color], as pair of male and female made their way to Ingrid and Zarina, Maura leaned over as she pulled the little runt upon her lap to cuddle it. [color=C0C0C0]”These are so cute!”[/color] [center][img]https://media.tenor.com/HQtqHvAqIQgAAAAd/animals-baby-hippo.gif [/img][/center] ngrid squealed as she saw the tiny little babies. Ingrid goes to her knees.[color=8882be]"Hi there little one,"[/color] Ingrid petted the boy, [color=8882be]"Aren't you so handsome!"[/color] They were adorable. [color=8882be]"A name,"[/color] Ingrid pondered, then she lit up, [color=8882be]"How about Elskr?"[/color] Ingrid looked around to them to see how they felt. Zazzy listened and nodded, remaining silent as she was really just waiting for the big moment: The Snowsweepers! And when they get to the barn, the whole family was there with the five little ones rushing in curiously to see the humans. It looked as though they were used to humans and enjoyed the pets and scritches. Zarina did not hesitate and got on her knees, dirtying her attire, and let a couple of them gang up on her. A male and a female, with the male eagerly licking her face while the female rested comfortably on her lap, [color=C78A2C]“Ohhhh, you're good little moo's, huh? Yes, yes~”[/color] she lowered her head to give them kisses on their snouts. It took a while before the Virangish lass eventually turned over to Maura, [color=C78A2C]“I'm game.”[/color] the bag of coins was so easily discarded, as if it had never really existed, as her focus remained on the little bundles of joy. The male, in his eagerness, releases a bit of his bowels on her thigh, [color=C78A2C]“Uh-oh, someone's had to go!”[/color] she giggled, clearly experienced with this. A bit of kinetic magic here, and chemical magic there and it was clean, [color=C78A2C]“I'll name you ...”[/color] she squinted and mused for a moment, [color=C78A2C]“Adnan.”[/color] As they have picked out their chosen Snowsweepers, the two mothers and the rescued ‘Daddy’ came over to greet them. His snout brushed against the three of them, as he hunted for garlic, however he was happy to see them both. [color=C0C0C0]“We guess you picked the better alternative after all. Going to pay them and hide this one in my bag.”[/color], she winked toward them as she allowed them to continue playing and greeting the happily reunited Snowsweeper family. [center]Fin.[/center] [hr][hr]