[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/199971497249472512/1065442307337359380/gorgeous.png[/img][hr][center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avYUSG0EFX0[/youtube][/center] [indent]Something splashed in the distance. A thump. Another thump. The ground shook, the leaves rustled. A coconut fell from a distant tree and cracked open on a rock. From her position up on the log, Sofia turned to look. She screamed, then fainted once more, flopping down from the log and landing into some bushes. A great big beast, about the length of a bus, crawled out onto the beach from the waves. It looked like a massive frog, but with considerably more horrifying features than any amphibian the group had seen before. Eyes like a goat, six of them, lined its head. Green skin, speckled with brown, coated in a dripping, slimy mucus. At its sides flopped two massive wings, each the size of a large bedsheet, translucent yellow. It hopped forward on two powerful legs, with webbed toes the width of a man’s torso.[/indent] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/0b95e36285df373e38f3a136d3abca86/760a63e100e8a536-f9/s1280x1920/f515148b7ec787ae05396ad7e6c0184fc73c5c6a.jpg[/img][/center] [indent]It leapt forward from the shore, landing on the pearly sands of the beach. As it held itself up with its massive wings, it opened its mouth and bellowed. A massive wave of sound blasted the treeline, knocking down leaves and upending small bushes. Each of the six eyes swivelled about, unbound by a reasonable line of sight.[/indent]