I began in Halo with a visit to a Sam's Club store where I saw Halo 1 playing on T.V. screens. I didn't play Halo 1 until like 2013 with the Halo 1 Combat Evolved Anniversary, many years after having started with playing Halo 2 but got Xbox Live for Halo 3. Made it to Field Major on Halo 3, was in a PvP Gaming Community called DRO Gaming - I became "DRO Acid". Got to play the Reach protogame to consequitve Halo 3 gaming without needing to own the ODST discs - which by this time I needed to play all Halo 3 maps and didn't I didn't want Halo to be a trend but a rivalarity for me. So I played however long I could until that got bothered staunchly. Halo 1 Anniversary, Halo 4, played. I quit for some years after that H1A because I couldn't respond to the adequateness of new Halo games with the new owners of Halo, 343 Industries, presenting as an enterprise - I had to party to get back to partying, nawmean? When I got back to Halo the Master Chief Collection and Halo 5 had been out like 4 years without me. I played at Ignite Gaming Lounge testing them on crisp screens before I began furbishing my room to play like a MLG, seeing how great Halo 5 was. It's been like a year or two since Halo Infinite, and I saw the whole community switch games to Infinite shambly. And now a "bandit" gun is coming, so I quit Infinite to Solo gain the MCC campaigns how I have them on the individual games before the MCC came out; Which'll be me quitting Halo, because I ain't that syops-bandit-asounder-bitch type called NERD-Bravo or GEEK-Echo, but I don't mind OPERATOR-Hotel. I began fathoming about Halo 2 needing to be accomplished on Heroic, but had only accomplished co-op on Normal, so it wasn't til Halo 3 that I got Xbox Live. Free-For-All is my favorite, if it's rank- not the social rumble pit stuff. Inevitably upon my return I defeated Halo 5 on Heroic and it reendowed me to try to avenge myself on MCC, for Heroic. With the hype being playing for legendary, I played legendary at parties outside Xbox Live, probably (lol now I'm ready for rumble pit but Halo Infinite tried to be scandalous to me), I totally did legendary Solo only because of peer pressures. And have calculated all the games well into an accuracy test of mirth; Halo Wars 1 and 2 just completed them on Easy, the Halo Spartan Strike and Spartan Assault games have no difficulty settings so I imagine they're Normal if not Easy, Halo 3 ODST has such random history with me - and once had a chance to be completed on legendary through co-op but I didn't get the achievement, so not to be rueful I kept my Halo might and accepted it near the froob, got it completed on Normal when I got my own game disc, Halo 4 was completed on Normal when it came out and I never tried it after (but for the MCC, where I instead am going to get the Spartan Ops completed on Normal. It's completed on Easy, just like the Halo 4 original game's.), THIS IS WHERE it get's even: H1A got played on Normal but wasn't finished, when I came back to gaming years later I finished the MCC's Halo 1 on Classic on Normal, as a prelude to my gaming. I got the Xbox One and finished Halo 1 Combat Evolved Anniversary on Heroic then finished the MCC on Normal for every game but Halo 3, that was done on Heroic, prepping me subconsciously to play Halo 2 on Heroic in the future. Having finished the original Halo 3 and Halo Reach on Legendary, and a mild playing of Halo 2 Xbox Live multiplayer before Field Major on Halo 3. I began questing for Halo 2 Anniversary to be completed on Heroic. 4 levels to go and it's completed on Heroic solo. I'm about to rebegin that quest, no longer with Xboxs, because I matured to get muscular and stop playing explicitly. I'll be returning to the Gaming Lounge to play the level that is reminiscent to my first Halo 2 system link party 2 years before I got Xbox Live 9th Grade - fighting with swords in the schism level. I am so hyped because I became a good party fighter to attain Bachelor premises against beer and stuff, not merely avenging a Damsel to be my Soulmate for friending her too long, which I assaulted the precinct of the geeks that I system linked for props! I'm sure their ethnicity made them regard it as an insult, but I I am just fulfilling my mandate manifestation of popularity to have done so because I wasn't a loser masquerading behind "controller" (That's a Player thing. I don't control when a Guest, I learned to load my account and have a "remote" if needed). So, just like Lockout, and the Honor Guards hype on Heroic level difference from Normal actually proven, I am so hyped that Halo Infinite has begun to fail. No game should have a "bandit" gun.