Arterius was snoozing quietly in one of the large trees in their domain, their rainbow hair simply glistening in the sunlight that shone through. Pertius was in his full form, curled up around the bottom of the tree watching everything happen around the two of them before he spotted Agthalans' Sigil appear in the sky. The large blue dragon moved to stretch out from around the tree before they made their way up to get Arterius' attention. Arterius gave a grumble before they opened their eyes, they looked around for a moment before they saw the sigil. It took a moment for Arti to realize what they had seen, "Oh!" They said excitedly, moving to leap off the branch and down to Partius' back. "Onward!" They said with a smile on their face. The blue dragon seemed to roll his eyes before he started to move, sluggish at first before speeding up and taking into the air before Arterius summoned a portal to where the run down diner was. Travelling through a portal always made the both of them nauseous, which to a god of anything; was always something [i]strange[/i] to feel. Arterius slipped off Partius' back and glanced around; [i]Strange, why was there a mortal vehicle here?[/i] They headed over towards the RV for a moment, giving it a look over before looking towards the Diner. There was a moment of stillness from the usually excitable goddex before they seemed to spot someone in the diner. Arti gave a gasp and ran towards the entrance, sliding through the door as if slipping on wet floor; before they leapt over the back of the booth to land across the table from Agthalan. "Ags!" They said excitedly, tapping at the table with their hands in a soft rhythm. "It's been too long! How are you? What have you been doing?" They sat up to motion over someone to get them any sort of food, sure they didn't [i]have[/i] to eat, but they wanted something sweet currently. Partius slowly wandered into the Diner after sniffing around the RV, having shifted into more of a Komodo Dragon size as he slowly clambered over to his companion and pulled himself up to the seat beside them. "I hope you don't mind that I brought Parts with me? You know he doesn't like being alone."