Don't mind me tagging people, trying to diagnose why I cannot tag fancy-party (but works in preview mode in the editor but not when submitted), I want to see how many people I can tag and can't tag. [@fancy party] [@lithfangel] [@dark cloud] [@timelord1101] Apparently, anyone with hyphens in their name I cannot tag, but preview mode shows them tagged. Weird! EDIT: So it seems that there's no hyphens in these names, though Preview Mode shows them as properly linked with the hypen as I was using the URL to the users as a means of grabbing their name vs what it displays to us in case there were differences, so Preview isn't quite acting as a true preview since when submitted they appear to parse differently. I'll just ensure to make sure that I use a space if a space is in the name, and not go by what the URL to the user infers it as, to prevent this confusion in the future, as it does also tag invalid usernames in preview mode as well and of course, doesn't find such a user.