[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Eg6Mb0D.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjY2LmFiOWIzNy5XbUZ5YVc1aElFRnNMVTVoWkdWeS4w/italianno.regular.webp[/img] [hr][hr] [youtube]https://youtu.be/v5pDcfRRpe4[/youtube][/center] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjg0YWQ1YS5RMjlzWkNCV1pXeHNaWE1nVG1sbmFIUS4w/italianno.regular.webp[/img][/center] [hider=Bloody Victendes Recap] Yuliya, Kaspar, Ayla, Zarina and Nibbler venture from the Silk Portal toward the Workman’s Quarter, coming across the large smithy where sound is distorted to the point of being completely inaudible. Upon rescuing the smith and investigating, Ayla and Yuliya successfully secure the invisible aberration - detected by Ayla’s abilities in sound - and assimilate it, feeding the Arslan with the Shadowscream Mana type in the process. The group continues until they come near the Proving Grounds, where they subdue a maddened Fire Boar, allowing Kaspar to purify it. After a thorough scrub of the arena, Zarina and Kaspar take in the smaller aberration in the area before heading out. The group takes a boat through the canal and reaches the Hideout within the Borderwood. There, a Hungering Aberration sucks in Yuliya, Ayla and Nibbler into a parallel timeline desolate of most life with the air tasting like metal. They find an older Benedetto Corvi at the Forked Tower, and after mild hostility offers to send them back with the caveat of turning into demons. They agree and return to the distressed Zarina and Kaspar as demonic and incomprehensible versions of themselves. Yuliya and Ayla remained relatively mild-mannered with their appearances barely altered, while Nibbler takes a monstrous form and ruthlessly attacks the group. Luckily, he is pacified by a chill Yuli-demon and purified by Kaspar. While the three were in the other timeline, a Kaspar empowered with the Demoncaller mana type through the Hungering aberration and Zarina encountered a supposed resident of the Hideout who assisted in helping against the demon Nibbler. He later provides information as to where the remaining aberrations could be, with the group opting to go North toward the Leviathan and ruins. Along the way, they face off with a F I S H E, a large flat one, that grows more and more aggressive as the group avoids and deflects its attacks. Zarina ends up missiling herself into its mouth and propelling it to its death. They eventually arrive at the Leviathan, and inside the skull is the largest aberration they had yet to see in this ordeal. A black aberration that purifies Yuliya of her demonic form completely and leaves Ayla as a Quasi-demon, while also taking manas from them while booning the non-demonic members of the team. This is enough to discourage further exploring and aberration cleansing. They bypass the ruins and head back to the city, as the chaos appears to have died down since their departure. [hr] After a series of harrowing experiences, the Biros gather at Balthazar Hall before a towering aberration and experience what can be best described as mass hysteria. They all crumble into a mess of uncontrolled and specific emotions, becoming relatively hazardous, but pretty hilarious for the most part. Then a second wave of spontaneous mood wings occurs, although this time they hear different pieces of a phrase depending on their affliction. They manage to piece together the following: [center][b]“Repeat in Avince's Preferred Order but touch in the rainbow's”[/b][/center] This clue allows them to figure out the order in which they are to enter the aberration depending on the colour they evoked. One by one, they all entered, and after a bright flash of light. Around them is a grove, and there are five clusters of five fruit trees each. Ten robed figures stand before them, two before each cluster of trees. [color=6ECE2A]"You may take your pick of fruits,"[/color] said a woman. She was pregnant and radiant. Those of the first grove grew bright and beautiful. Their branches were laden with delectable passionfruit and pink apples. Those of the second were well-pruned and tall, reaching for the sky. They grew golden apples and Buddha's Hand. The third cluster were grand, verdant, and ever-growing. They had oranges and green apples upon their branches. In the fourth were grim black trees with spiny bark and sparse darkened leaves. They grew Medlars and Brandæbles. The trees of the fifth and final grove grew straight and proud, their leaves ethereally shifting between seasons. They held red apples and starfruit. Some ways away from the other clusters is a single tree. One of its main branches appears to be broken. It is heavy with pomegranates. [color=2AAECE]"Take one and only one,"[/color] advised a tall man with a hammer slung over his shoulder. Each Biro (as well as some others such as Colette) take their fruit and indulge in its richness. A select few had found the sixth, hidden tree. And as they finish this delectable picnic in a land far from Ersand’Enise, they suddenly are back in Balthazar Hall with the aberration now gone and no longer a threat. [hider=Chosen Fruits] Fiske - Red Apple Dorothea - Medlar Zarina - Orange Abdel - Brandaeble Nibbler - Pomegranate Evander - Buddha’s Hand Yalen - Starfruit Isabella - Buddha’s Hand Yuliya - Pink Apple Ingrid - Golden Apple Maura - Red Apple Jamboi - Pomegranate Jocasta - Orange Benedetto - Brandaeble Penny - Pomegranate Manfred - Passionfruit Ismette - Passionfruit Sven - Golden Apple Ayla - Pink Apple Marceline - Medlar Jomurr - Starfruit Marlijn - Pink Apple Owain - Red Apple Desmond - Red Apple Colette - Pink Apple Esmi - Green Apple Niallus - Orange Ymiico - Brandaeble Kaspar - Buddha’s Hand Silas - Pomegranate Nazih - Green Apple Trypano - Golden Apple Casii - Green Apple[/hider] [/hider] A Velles night had never felt this cold before. After sharing an evening of drinks and laughs with Yuliya, both she and Zarina ended up lying on the large island-bed amidst a sea of various things the Vossoriyan Princess had left lying around. The girls were on their separate sides, one asleep and the other awake, cold despite the covers and being fully clothed. It was all in her mind, of course, for the world would always feel colder than it really is without the warmth one desperately covets. Zarina couldn’t sleep. She feigned being a lightweight to avoid losing herself to the stupor that came with such strong drinks. There was no way she’d slip. And yet here she was, so close to something precious - that warmth she denied herself for at least three years now. On her back, she turned her head to look toward the lovely blonde that had confided so much into her. Hesitantly, her hand reached out, stopping a few inches from Yuliya’s face before retreating back in complete silence after balling into a sturdy fist. She sighed, and quietly rose from her side of the bed. The decision to leave had been made, but she took her time. The lights from the clear skies and the moon of Ipte shone bright over half of the sleeping girl’s face. Zarina lingered a while longer, watching, before reaching out again, content with only pulling up the covers a little more to cover her friend. The little gesture made her smile. And so, she made another thoughtful one. A slip of her index had her use the gift to telekinetically lift the mess of clothes and other junk lying about, and had them fold in mid air. All in complete silence. Piles were made, neat and tidy, for Yuliya to find the next day, although without her friend to greet her. [hr] In her dorm, the candles lit the moment Zarina stepped in, revealing a somewhat ordered home with a bit of Dormouse Hair spread on the furniture. The teen paced around, her thoughts diving into things she couldn’t simply forget or distract herself from anymore, and in that pacing she entered her small study room. Her recent winning from the Chamber of Greed awaited her, opened and readable only by her, apparently. [i][color=C78A2C]These Zenos are fucking crazy, I swear …[/color][/i] She shook her head and chuckled to herself as she peered into the Hierophant’s Secrets. A treasure trove of knowledge on Temporal magic, a lot of which allowed Zaz to grasp notions Jocasta couldn’t properly articulate without in-depth illustrations. It was … A particularly generous reward for a trial, especially compared to the list of goods for the final prizes. Although then again, three Kaempe Ko were perhaps worth more to someone like Zarina, but she had long accepted her preferences were not too common or to be flaunted. How she already regretted leaving Yuliya’s side. There was no studying to be done tonight, she merely passed by to keep her legs active before heading to her bedroom where she’d find some remedy to her solitude. In a suspended cage opposite of her bed was Arlo, sleeping in his wooden home. Like clockwork, he never missed out on bed time with potential screeching if he was disturbed. There were the eggs, or rather two sets of eggs. One was a pair, with an egg bigger than the other, all placed on a sort of incubator-like transparent box made to keep them safe and warm. They were Zarina’s precious Froabas eggs, made to take in sunlight every day while being shielded from the elements. The other set was on a small, potted tree she had brought in with a colourful nest she had gotten with the clutch of five eggs inside. They were Monkeybirds, almost ripe for hatching. All were visited by Zarina to ensure they were fine, before she headed to bed. Finally, there was Nibbler on that very bed, curled up with his tail curved up to his head in an adorable ball. She did her best to not wake him, lying on her side to take less territory. Her mind never stopped racing, however. The mysteries behind this unusually strong and intelligent rodent made her drift to more unpleasant realms, fuelled by the recent revelation of Hugo’s death. [i][color=C78A2C]Jocasta.[/color][/i] The time in Djamant vividly came back to her. All the deaths, the murderous intentions and the horrible screeches. How could things get so bad? Who can be this detested to be hunted by a legion of people willing to die just to kill you? Zarina reached out to hold her cat-sized Dormouse, prompting the little creature to open its eyes slightly and its ears to perk up. It didn’t move, and just nestled into her. [i][color=C78A2C]What the hell did you do?[/color][/i] She held her animal just a little tighter, as the screams of death from both the envoys of the Church and the screams of the Thresher resonated in her troubled head. [i][color=C78A2C]Oh Gods.[/color][/i] Like Nibbler, she curled up into a ball, fully into foetal position. It had gotten so cold and dark in this lit room on a Velles night. [i][color=C78A2C]I got a person killed.[/color][/i] she mouthed these words in her head but only uttered exhales, [i][color=C78A2C]I got an innocent creature killed for nothing.[/color][/i] she held Nibbler tighter. The scene of that sea-creature dying an atrocious death kept playing over and over. Never again. She forced these things in unnatural situations for her own gain. They needed to be protected. It was the least they deserved for giving their bodies to her will and exact goals that benefitted them not. No corners would be cut for her animals from this point forward. Obscene amounts of money were to be poured in protecting them, and a firm stance would be made to not use those in the wild as mere tools. It was a promise to herself and those creatures that trusted her. A promise to protect. [hr] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjg0YWQ1YS5VSEpsWTJsdmRYTWdUR2xtWlEuMA/italianno.regular.webp[/img][/center] An unpleasantly sleepless night passed, with the sun promising nothing but a terrible day to come after Blood Victendes. Pessimism was at its most, even with Nibbler by her side. And yet, the rays of light came with some warmth to Zarina. With all this death she had seen and the realisations hitting her all at once, it all felt hopeless, until the singing of new life loudly called out for her attention. [i][color=C78A2C]No way.[/color][/i] [center][hider=The Chicks] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6VXb0oq.png[/img][/hider][/center] She darted out of her bed, only to find three of the five Monkeybird eggs hatched with the naked chicks crying out for attention, warmth and food. Zarina couldn’t hold back her tears anymore - after refusing to let all the darkness break her - and succumbed to the beauty she just witnessed. Sniffles, laughter and a stream of tears. These adorable little critters were carefully tended to with Nibbler watching with great interest on top of a branch. All five were up and about, incessantly chirping for their mother. Zarina did her best to tend to their needs for food, and provided them with a warm ball of wool for them to press against while they huddled up together to stay warm. Things weren’t so bad after all. [hr] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLmE4YTlhNi5VMlZqY21WMGN5QnZaaUIwYUdVZ1JtOXlhMlZrSUZSdmQyVnlJRkJoY25RZ01RLjA/italianno.regular.webp[/img][/center] [Hider=Saviour Penny] [color=C78A2C]“Argh, Eshit.”[/color] Ten or so minutes after the consensual knockout from Penny, Zarina awoke on the cheap lounge sofa that was clearly less comfortable than those picked by the other contestants. Her digits pressed tightly on her temples as the head pain remained, but the numbing from the pain lingered for the time being. The effects were potent enough to have her disregard the cuts she made to herself whilst massaging the sides of her head. The Zeno Sectoxomactex had been called upon by Desmond, however any issues were dismissed as mild disorderly conduct from intoxication. There was no need to oust Zarina for something that was unconfirmed. Not yet anyway. The party was over with most attendants readying themselves for the coming Roses & Neskals matches. [color=C78A2C]“So, what’s wrong with me?”[/color] she inquired with a gravelly voice to the person who had burdened herself with helping her, [color=C78A2C]“Give it to me straight, doc, is it terminal?”[/color] and not without a little bit of sass and a forced grin. That person was Penny Pellegrin, and the inescapable truth was that there was no love lost between the two of them, at least on her side. If it wasn’t hatred, it was at least a distaste for the other girl. She felt too much like a rival and the eager violence with which she’d delivered a beatdown on the Perrenchwoman’s prone form during the Melon Derby still smarted. Penny was good at being civil to people whom she disliked, but not necessarily good at forgiving them. She held grudges. So, why had she stepped in? She told herself that it was for the others in the event. The interruption would cast a pall over matters, and she knew that Zarina’s problems would only grow more serious. She had somehow become infected. She was a wildblood of… something reptilian. Penny could guess that it was a dragon. The Virangish would hurt people eventually unless she was equipped to deal with it. [color=F7976A][b]“Well,”[/b][/color] she replied after what had appeared to be a moment of careful and unsmiling consideration, [color=F7976A][b]“it’s not going away, at least, though you’ve probably actually bought yourself more years, ironically.”[/b][/color] She let out a snort. [color=F7976A][b]“You’ve had close contact with a dragon recently, yes?”[/b][/color] She regarded her counterpart, head tilted, waiting. [color=C78A2C]“You can say that.”[/color] little thought was put into Zarina’s answer, and luckily little effort came with it. It quickly became evident to her that transparency with someone that likely didn’t appreciate her all that much wasn’t smart, even if that person came to her aid, [color=C78A2C]“But loads of people meet plenty of dragons every day.”[/color] she peered as her misshapen nails she gritted her teeth, [color=C78A2C]“What the fuck, Penny?”[/color] she asks with worry weighing heavy on her voice, [color=C78A2C]“What’s going on with me?”[/color] [color=F7976A][b]“Most people meet dragons, but they don’t… exchange fluids with dragons.”[/b][/color] She paused. [color=F7976A][b]“Blood, saliva, or…”[/b][/color] Penny trailed off. [color=F7976A][b]“Yeah, blood or saliva. You did. There’s an infection I’ve read about.”[/b][/color] She smiled sheepishly and shrugged. [color=F7976A][b]“You read a lot as a printer’s daughter. Anyway, there are three moons out and you’re transforming. It’s simple: you’re a wildblood.”[/b][/color] [color=C78A2C]“For the record,”[/color] Zarina pointed her mutated claw at Penny, [color=C78A2C]“I’m no degenerate. In case there’s some insinuation going on.”[/color] she kept the digit up for a few seconds, eventually curling it and prompting some unusually loud cracks. She winced, [color=C78A2C]“Sss. Fuck.”[/color] [color=C78A2C]“Wildblood.”[/color] she repeated, sounding almost outraged by the revelation, [color=C78A2C]“Sounds like something that comes from long-eared land. Like monkey-shit.”[/color] she slaps the cheap leather of the couch out of frustration, [color=C78A2C]“... Is there a cure?”[/color] Penny pursed her lips. After a moment she shook her head. [color=F7976A][b]“Not that I know of, but I’m no expert. Three moons, you get something like this and, yes, it’ll hurt like hell each time. Four moons, it’ll be even worse: more pain, less control.”[/b][/color] She regarded the taller girl evenly. [color=F7976A][b]“Five? You become the animal. You won’t remember a thing.”[/b][/color] Her expression had gone from almost taking pleasure in it to sympathetic. [color=F7976A][b]“If there’s an upside, it’s that you’re a lot stronger now and… well, you’ll live as long as whatever animal’s blood you’ve got.”[/b][/color] She shifted a bit. [color=F7976A][b]“Sucks for rabbit wildbloods,”[/b][/color] she grumbled. Zarina cocked her eyebrows as she was swiftly overwhelmed by the bomb Penny had mercifully chugged onto her without beating around the bush. For a moment she was speechless, hands shaking with one awkwardly seeking to cup her pulsating skull, [color=C78A2C]“Each time. [i]This[/i].”[/color] her hands curled into fists and were desperate to find something to abuse, and luckily there wasn’t much of anything left around, so the Virangish ended up sort of awkwardly moving her limbs about, [color=C78A2C]“Give me more of whatever you did. Please.”[/color] her golden eyes were wide, with her right one redder than normal, and she leaned in closer to the knowledgable Perrench girl, [color=C78A2C]“I can already feel this dull pain growing. Like a headache you just know is going to get worse and worse.”[/color] she reached out to seize the other’s arm, [color=C78A2C]“Please.”[/color] [color=F7976A][b]“It’s… just chemical magic,”[/b][/color] Penny replied awkwardly. She could use this to her advantage, it occurred to her. How she could keep Zarina on a leash! For a moment, she mulled it over, but the idea, beyond a brief initial appeal, didn’t feel all that good. She knew, in a different way, what it was to be kept dependent. She managed a reassuring smile. [color=F7976A][b]“Just chemical magic,”[/b][/color] she repeated, [color=F7976A][b]“more the kind of stuff you learn with binding, to be fair.”[/b][/color] She glanced at her counterpart, annoyed with herself for getting involved, for going soft here on someone who was just… not [i]good[/i], but now she’d crossed the event horizon of helping out and needed to see it through. She rested a reassuring hand on Zarina’s shoulder and used a variant of the spell from earlier. [color=F7976A][b]“I can… teach you how to use it, I guess.”[/b][/color] Zarina nodded, awkwardly retreating her hand as she then knitted them together over her thighs, [color=C78A2C]“Right, chemical.”[/color] this was a humbling experience, as the simple answer was quite evident and her inability to either do it or think up the straightforward solution didn’t project the image she liked the most, [color=C78A2C]“I’d like that.”[/color] she smiled and listened with unusual discipline. [color=C78A2C]“Say,”[/color] Zarina brought up after a brief moment, [color=C78A2C]“You reckon more could be found about this in the Tower? You said you learned about this through reading, so … Maybe worth a shot?”[/color] Penny rose and nodded. [color=F7976A][b]“I think that would be a very strong bet. For now, however…”[/b][/color] she glanced about. Marlijn was approaching, waving for her. [color=F7976A][b]“We have matches to play.[/b][/color] She started to turn, but hesitated. [color=F7976A][b]“Good luck, okay?”[/b][/color] Zarina didn’t rise right away, afraid to cause a new chain of unpleasant soreness she never thought would’ve been possible at her age, [color=C78A2C]“Hey,”[/color] she beckoned for Penny’s attention, [color=C78A2C]“Thanks for that. You didn’t have to help the resident cunt.”[/color] both palms pressed onto the couch and she attempted to stand. It wasn’t too bad, for now, [color=C78A2C]“I appreciate it, Penny.”[/color] The Perrenchwoman nodded. [color=F7976A][b]“No problem.”[/b][/color] Then, she was gone.[/hider] Penny’s guidance led Zarina here, the Forked Tower, in the hopes of finding answers to her ailment. One was to hope it’d be a quick find too, as the moons were to gather the coming Victendes. One bad Victendes was bad enough. Arch-Zeno Harrachora leads the group of five towards the Forked Tower. The Violet Enclave is almost - if not quite - eerily somber and silent. [color=C29548]"Sorry for the lack of reception,"[/color] he apologizes. [color=C29548]"This is usually a bigger affair. I remember when I made it in,"[/color] he sighs. [color=C29548]"It was a very warm welcome. We're... currently dealing with a loss, as you'd imagine."[/color] It is rainy and so very overcast that it feels almost like that strange species of night when all five moons are out. Thunder mumbles softly from within the clouds. Puddles grow, but the magic users are safe from the rogue water, of course. Then, they're there. The tower looms before them and just craning one's neck up to look at it is utterly vertigo-inducing. The upper reaches remain ghostlike, shrouded in translucent fog and mist. Barely visible, a beam of pure red light leaps from its top, knifing into the low-hanging clouds and disappearing somewhere beyond them. The five students - Trypano, Ingrid, Zarina, Kaspar, and Yuliya - are led up a curving staircase and found themselves at the door. The rest of the world seemed muted and distant somehow, now. No matter. The Arch-Zeno knocked in a particular pattern. There was an immense surge of energy. Then, the door opened and they're inside. Waiting for them was a receptionist who bore a strong resemblance to the Zenith and... is that Jocasta? [color=a187be] "Welcome to the Forked Tower,"[/color] said the woman. They casted about for Harrachora, but he was nowhere to be found. [color=a187be]"Your time begins now,"[/color] she advised with a smile. [color=a187be]"Enjoy yourselves!"[/color] [color=C78A2C]“Eyyy, Jojo.”[/color] Zarina's dull expression betrayed the forced enthusiasm in her voice, [color=C78A2C]“The Tower AND our Spratzfield. You truly are blessed.”[/color] Zazzy being Sassy, as always, [color=C78A2C]“Well, at least I'll have decent company.”[/color] the sass was redirected at her peers with a smirk on her face and her hand on her hip. Nibbler hopped on her shoulder and performed his trademarked wave that looked as clumsy as ever. Just a few raises of his paw without any real waving. Cute, of course. It was time to do what she was here to do. So, she plainly asked, [color=C78A2C]“Thank you, Zenith Upta,”[/color] she politely nodded before getting to the point with a hushed voice, [color=C78A2C]“I'd like to know where your records on the Wildbloods are.”[/color] there was a little bit of temporal magic, allowing only those versed in the magic, or those close enough (like Jocasta) to hear her. [color=ffdead]"I found my own way in,"[/color] Jocasta answered with the hint of a smile. [color=ffdead]"I'll tell you about it sometime."[/color] Then, the woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to the Zenith smiled and stifled a snort of laughter, pausing from her sorting of some interestingly-labeled books. [color=a187be]"It's Madame Esseralc,"[/color] she replied with a warm accent that sounded... well, nothing quite like anything Zarina had ever heard. There was perhaps a hint of Weggosi to it. [color=a187be]"You'll find what you're looking for on the third floor, sugar. Head on into the study room on the right side of the hall and then right on through. First collection you'll see."[/color] [color=C78A2C]“Oh.”[/color] Zarina blinked with the slightest hint of a blush on her cheeks. What a dunce, [color=C78A2C]“T-thank you, Madame Esseralc.”[/color] another nod, this one looking almost like a bow. She attempted to regain her composure and half-succeeded and forming a confident smile, [color=C78A2C]“I'll see you around, nerds. Let's have dinner at an agreed time, yeah? Yeah.”[/color] with that, she headed toward the stairs. Before reaching the third, she made a quick stop at the second to take notice of the nearest rooms. The singular book of Ahn-Shune definitely captured her attention, although she merely made a mental note before pursuing her initial goal: The Wildblood collection in the third floor. To the right and through the study room, she reached the shelves, [color=C78A2C]“Okay ...”[/color] she mumbled, [color=C78A2C]“First time I'm actually excited in studying.”[/color] Soft, diffused light trickles in through the window, grey and somber, illuminating the swirling dust in the air and a large comfortable-looking red sofa. Closer by, however, are at least a few hundred books on the subject of Wildbloods. A smaller, single-person easy chair lies to Zarina's right as she enters and, in the midst of the collection, is an endtable with intricate woodwork that reminds her of a large puzzle box. On top is a candle in a holder, producing an amount of light that seems... almost unnatural. Taking a moment to peruse the shelves, she notices that there are five subsections: [i]1) Wildblood Transformations 2) Wildblood Types 3) Wildblood Histories 4) Wildblood Hunting 5) Wildblood Records[/i] [hider=Notes on Wildblood Transformations] [i]The Animal Unleashed, by Juan Antonio Mendoza-Cardena.[/i] [u][b]Transformation Triggers:[/b][/u] -Older book but not super old, bound in leather. -Forward written in the book by Count Mendoza, a dapper individual that lived over a century ago, could still be around. -Where did Penny learn this info? Father was a printer, so … -Stages of the moon: 3, 4, 5 exact mechanism is uncertain, at about midday near the hours of Oraff the transformation begins, the end of Shune usually. -3 moons is not that painful. Right. Last all day and the night. Ends completely at hours of Shune the next day. Lasts about 20 hours, 12 at full power. Remove yourself from combat when you’re waning. Not all that severe of a change. Can be generally hidden and explained away. -4 Moon is very painful, self-control is dubious and very limited. Should remove oneself from triggers of aggressive behaviour. Can’t be concealed, need to make oneself scarce, will resemble a chimera/were-beast. -5 Moon transformation will turn one into a human version of your animal. Author hasn’t mastered it but it is said that some have done so. Size matters, small animals can lead up to half your normal size. If large, up to double normally (froabases, elephants) [u][b]Something for the Pain:[/b][/u] -Pain does get better and there is a way to improve it. -Circle of trust can help with internal chemical. Can be transformed unconscious if chemical magic is maintained and they’re very good at it. -Using it on yourself is a possibility, but never stop the transformation as it might hurt and even kill you. -Only way to stop/lessen them is a severe regimen of plushtail oil. To stop a five moon, you need 8 days worth of plushtail oil (two large glasses). Glass and a half for 4 moons. -Salves and numbing agents help. Balm of the nitpicker cactus. Eskand, don’t go on brandaebles (heightens senses). -You will bleed a lot. Very bloody transformations. [u][b]Guide to self-control:[/b][/u] -Chemical preparation for coming hormones. Some are human, some are unknown. Target the ones that affect mood. -Full self-control is pretty much impossible. Find a good outlet for your anger and energy. -Have a friend set tasks ahead of time to keep busy and release aggression. -Create a list of triggers. Have others help record them too. Identify them and remove yourself from them. -Forgive yourself. Don’t shirk responsibility. Balance that you are yourself but not at the same time. The animal is still a manifestation of things that are inside of you. Self-help page Zazzy takes big notes on. -See contingency Planning for 5 moons. -Find anchors: Long term association toward things or people. Transform thinking of those things, it will blunt some of it. Can work 5 moons to an extent. Practice focusing on one, and then expand to potential 2 or 3. [u][b]Contingency Planning:[/b][/u] -Get away from people if 5 moons are coming. Try not to rely on someone else. They might become the focus of your aggression. -Beast can use temporal, but very scattershot. Both time and space. -If someone can be trusted at a position of authority, tell them. Having a group that can provide a good cover. Exposure of identity as Wildblood to society is a bad idea. Don’t be parasitic, offer your strength/return the favour. Build a healthy network. -If you kill someone, it probably will happen, tell yourself they’re a bad person, or someone they won’t be missed. It is imperative that if you taste human flesh, that it doesn’t happen two transformations in a row. If you do so in three transformations in a row, you may be ‘lost to the animal’ and not transform back. -At 3 moons, eating someone is you, and you’re fucked up. -At two in a row, don’t let yourself transform and go full plushtail. You will be tempted more if you kill. -Four moons memory will be fuzzy, you won’t remember anything from five moons. [u][b]Hiding in Plain Sight:[/b][/u] -Bring a second set of clothes if you’re going to isolate yourself when transforming in a place you’re familiar with. -Handling family, keep good cover and know who to trust, the cues, animal senses will help in 3 and 4 moons (with control). Senses are very refined, and can detect subtle cues like heart issues. -Sanguinaires are real. Be wary of them. They will attempt to prey on Wildbloods, and have the most delicious blood to them. They are your prey at 5 moons. You get a pass for eating them, and you see them as carrion.[/hider] [hider=Notes on Wildblood Types] [i]A Comprehensive Field Guide to Each of the Terrible and Wonderful Formes of the Bestial Beings Known as Wildbloods, by Sir Chester Winnington of Bramforth, Hendland.[/i] [u][b]Intro & Defining Characteristics of the Afflicted:[/b][/u] -No longer fantastical, more science. Keep folklore in mind but science before all. -Race (humans) has no discernible effects on transformation. Body size and health have a bigger effect. Species of animals has an impact obviously. Gender remains the same, and can have interesting consequences depending on the animal. Similar pigmentation removes the pain. -Aging is about a halfway point between how humans and animals age. Very unfortunate for small canine wildblood. [u][b]Dragons:[/b][/u] -Genus Tyrannus are similar to Heart but none really match. Something isn’t quite right. -Sand Wyrm Wildblood isn’t really common, as it usually kills you if attacked. Very strong burrowers, grow 3-4 times the size of a human. [u][b]In Consideration of the Various Types:[/b][/u] [u][b]Advantages and Limitations due to body forme:[/b][/u] -Certain types are not particularly viable, further away from human form the more painful transformation it is. Difference is based on animal size, so you can’t be of a small fish. Within 4x the size of the animal when transforming. -Lower intelligence to be expected, less rationality. Four moons is more in-between human and animal intelligence, three moons is mostly human. If it’s an aquatic animal, land might be a problem. Sky animal might often be in the sky, be ready. Prepare the right space. -Speed, strength, durability increased. Magics instinctively used by animal, you will use them. [u][b]Hybrid varieties:[/b][/u] -Speculation that they exist, proposes mechanisms. There exist reports of some that become chimaeras. Possibly Sanguinaires that assimilate more than one bloodtype. Potentially experimentation of unholy nature. None enough is known or has been captured for study. [u][b]Wildbloods as yet unknown to study:[/b][/u] -In some cases Wildbloods of extinct species can exist if they’ve been extinct in recent memory via human-to-human transfer. -There was a particularly known extinction phenomenon, the sky glowed and sparkled and the moon fell from the sky. Might be the cause of the extinctions. -Other animals can potentially transfer but they’re too large to pass on manas. -Cryptids, rumoured extra large species of dragons, yetis, etc.[/hider] [hider=tl;dr] -Zazzy feels great shame for what she feels, makes for a lonely person. -Recalls past events, from her winnings in the trials to Prickly Situation. -Vows to avoid another situation like in Djamant, especially toward her animals. -Monkeybirds are born the next morning, brightening her up. -Forked Tower starts, with Penny being the instigator to Zarina’s inquest. -Two books are researched with notes taken.[/hider]