[i]The Stables...[/i] That struck a chord with Lorna - one that she had been somewhat obsessing over in the back of her mind. Fable had suggested to her that maybe she needed to think things over, when it came to whether or not she liked girls. As the thought went back into the front of Lorna's mind, her stomach twisted with anxiety. They were both still just learning - about what cool creatures had multiple tails, how to say things, and... Lorna didn't think too much, before she spoke - not this time. [color=fdc68a]"Hey, Kitty? Can I ask you something? Because I was talking with Fable the other day, when we were off in the woods and you had run off and - sorry again about that - but like... Anyways we were talking about things and like it got me wondering and like of course this isn't a thing for like me to worry about or anything, but like... Ugh sorry I feel like I'm just, like, vomiting out words right now - guess I didn't get my dad's skill with language, he's supposed to be really persuasive and stuff - but... How do you know when you like someone?"[/color] Her heart was pounding, and she was still holding onto Kitty - something she then became INCREDIBLY aware of as she asked this question. Lorna was confused and twisted up inside about it all, but maybe Kitty could give her some sort of answer here - not that Lorna wanted to tell Kitty that she was confused about it or anything like that, the thought for whatever reason made Lorna feel mortified.