[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UkEbgIb.png[/img][h2][color=99A7D8]Lucian[/color][/h2][h3][hr]~1440 | PARIS | FASHION SHOW VENUE[hr][/h3][/center] With his hands grasped by Celeste, Lucian was bombarded with the thoughts of someone who had a rational mind. At least, a mind that could see two facts and combine the two. Lucian's mind did not have these qualities. He was prone to having completely wrong understandings because his brain got stuck on specific things. Celeste mentioning the Holy Maiden was one of these scenarios. [color=99A7D8]"What? She doesn't have holes. People aren't cheese."[/color] Good comprehension, Cheese Boy. Of course, Celeste didn't have the time to correct him when things immediately went down. A torrent of plants had erupted from a now-wisp. Even Lucian could tell it was pretty bad. Unfortunately, the dragon blocked Lucian from seeing Edward going hard or Vera moments away from getting smoked. As a result, Lucian was saddled with the unfortunate truth of a rampant wisp and fire-breathing dragon: they were still in the middle of a room filled with normal people. Wisps had a tendency of harming normal people. That was bad. Lucian, in his surprising wisdom, knew that he had to help them. [color=99A7D8]"Hey universe, give me a sign to help these people."[/color] He brutishly clasped his hands together in a prayer; Celeste's hands were dragged alongside. The universe responded. A flash of light from Edward's attack pierced through the skeletal dragon's frame, a consequence of its holey nature. It was for a brief moment, but it illuminated a small red lever that had been hidden in the corner. [color=99A7D8]"Oh cool."[/color] Immediately, Lucian yanked on the fire alarm that had nestled itself in the corner with Celeste attached to him in some weird ballroom dance.