Warmth. The connection of human flesh and... sorta human flesh... and the congregation of bodies slowly overwrote the chill that kept the mushroom woman asleep, and she shifted in Shizuka's arm, before she awoke - suddenly, weaving out of his arms, and springing off his shoulders. Landing on the head of the horse that bore the rider who demanded her audience, Alice would point her weapon at her; said weapon transforming and eyeing her with a deathly glare. "[color=9966cc][b][i]Thou art haughty to demand an audience with a sleeping queen, foolish, even,[/i][/b][/color]" Alice says, "[color=9966cc][b][i]Speak thine name, before mine patience takes leave of me, and thine own throat with.[/i][/b][/color]" Despite cresting at nine-feet, Alice seemed to place no weight upon the horse - though, it was definitely discomforted. Kikyo would be able to behold the queen in her a la carte glory - a soft form betrayed by toned muscles that held her clearly-heavy bust high, pulled her abs together in a subtle four-pack, and Kikyo could confirm any future rumours, Alice would need more than a fig leaf downstairs. "[color=9966cc][b][i]Speak, warrior! Thine silence begins to rile, 'lest thou'rt seeking to do battle with a barbarous queen of war![/i][/b][/color]" Alice barked. Alice... really seemed to wake up and immediately choose violence, if disturbed.