[@fancy party] "Thank you!" he says with excitement as his food becomes such a hit despite coming up with it last second. Answering Ruka's question, "I do know a princess, her name is Zelda and she's amazing, she's very powerful, in fact we both stood up to such a bad enemy we took him down together." he says, in a storytelling mode, while summarizing what they both had actually gotten through as champion and hero. In fact, he's hiding the fact while at the tavern that to Hyrule he's known as the champion and hero, because of what he's done, as he doesn't want to make much of a deal about it, but is enjoying the vacation from all of the excitement going on back home. "So, what brings you both here?" Link asks, looking upstairs at Alex to ensure she's still ok though she's been quiet for some time now. Looking back at Salvador, "I don't get out of Hyrule much, in fact this is actually my first time out of my kingdom, and not familiar with anyone here, so much to take in, yet.....I can't help but be fascinated." he exclaims. Realizing he still actually had a bottle in his hand that he forgot he had, he takes another sip of the strong beverage, as he begins to relax and take in the scenery that unfolds around him, but enjoying his own candied apple as well as he nearly finishes it.