He followed Zara as she easily followed the trail. In all honesty, Isaac had taken one look at the mess of animal tracks and knew he it would, at best, take him ages to decipher them. At worst, he'd be stuck having to follow each and every lead that came from the mess and just hope for the best. Zara, on the other hand, read the ground like a good-condition book, then she was off. Eyes on the surround. Head on a swivel. Isaac watched for danger. However, he had a smirk on his face. [i]Holy shit, she's a prodigy,[/i] he thought. [i]We're gonna be done within hours, at this rate.[/i] "There are teeth marks on these, they are definitely setting up a decent sized nest. They like what they are finding around here." "Good job we bought extra bullets, huh," he replied. When she mentioned that a traveller or two might have fallen victim to the mole rats, it was just about the exact time that Isaac caught a whiff of a familiar scent. His nose twitched as he sniffed about, looked to the bushes just north of their position... "Just a sec." ...and moved toward them. Pushing through the bushes, he found himself on the summit of a small slope. At the bottom of it, there in the mud, was the owner of that scent. The scent of death. Isaac went down to the corpse who wasn't quite yet rotting but still didn't look great. The radiation in the wasteland changed the way things decomposed, he'd been taught. Preserved them better. Isaac couldn't imagine what a corpse this old would look like in the Before Times. The victim was wearing a rucksack that'd been torn to shreds and a fair few injuries that left Isaac with an easy guess that this was an ambush by the molerats. He squatted down and rummaged through all the pockets, taking everything of value, including caps, another gun and some bullets. Nice. "You won't be needing this anymore. Rest in peace, fellow traveller." Getting back up, he stowed away the valuables and went back to the trail, took a big breath and then checked his second wristwatch which had the compass. "West it is then," he said to her, giving her a half-hearted smile. He hated looting corpses. He'd been doing it since he was real young. It was the wasteland way. It would be stupid not to. Still... it always felt... disconcerting. They turned up at some rock formations and Isaac stopped to survey the area. Then he looked up and around them to appraise the trees, and he found a thick sturdy one that had branches that would take their weight. "Alright, let's get up in the trees and stake out the area." With that they climbed up the tree and tried to get comfortable. "If we go snooping around, we're likely to get ambushed and forced to fight on their terms. Molerats aren't nocturnal so there should be some sign of activity... hopefully sooner rather than later. We zero in on their position, then we can draw them out on our own terms." Assuming she'd want to have a branch where she could sit with her back against the trunk, Isaac got on a seperate branch, poking out 45 degrees to the right of her branch, just a little lower than hers so that his head pretty-much next to her. And there they sat for a while. After quite some time had passed, Isaac spoke up. "So. Where'd you learn to track like a bloodhound?" he asked, relaxed and watching the rocks. "That was pretty amazing. Just full o' surprises, aren't we."